How much strength you loose on your lifts while cutting?

I usually loose like 25-45 pounds while going down 20-25 pounds but it must be different for everyone


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My numbers aren't huge to begin with- so I think I only lost 5-10 pounds off my lifts- but I'm a light weight as it is.

    Still gunning for a 315 DL_ and last max out was 295 (which was down from 305). Squat and bench were both fine.
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    The only lift I seemed to have lost strength on is the deadlift...going from pulling 205 no problems to struggling to pull 190. The rest of my lifts just stalled So far. that a normal occurrence or am I doing it wrong?
  • sbogstad
    sbogstad Posts: 19 Member
    I've been cutting AND doing SL5x5 for 11 months now, and I'm still (albeit slowly) progressing.

    SW: 294, CW:218... Squats: 320, DL 345, Bench 185
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Just cut 40lbs and am retesting lifts right now. I expect to have gained slightly on squat and dl and lost slightly on bench and OHP. I think my total of the 4 will actually end up slightly higher. I'd call that a success.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just cut 40lbs and am retesting lifts right now. I expect to have gained slightly on squat and dl and lost slightly on bench and OHP. I think my total of the 4 will actually end up slightly higher. I'd call that a success.

    Wtf. You cut 40 back and gained on lifts? Lol Maybe you underestimated yourself on lifts too much during bulk. What were your lifts back then and what you weighed in comparison to what you weight now and your curr. Lifts?

    Definitely did not underestimate myself, I have gone to failure many many times on my AMRAP sets before. In my 1RM testing I tested to failure in everything but the squat (which I barely got so I called it a day). As mentioned I have not tested my new lifts but judging by what I am doing for the same weight x reps it will be very close.

    Previously 6'3" 263lbs, dropped to 223lbs.

    Strict OHP 195 (estimate 185-190 now)
    Bench 295 (estimate 285-290 now)
    Squat 365 (estimate 380-385 now)
    DL 535 (estimate 545 now, just did 455x6 and 465x5)

    So overall I'm 95% sure I've gained a little on my total. Gonna try to drop down to ~200lbs early next year and maintain my lifts again. It's not easy by any means.
  • blue736
    blue736 Posts: 69 Member
    On a low carb I to lose power in my lifts. But that's expected
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just cut 40lbs and am retesting lifts right now. I expect to have gained slightly on squat and dl and lost slightly on bench and OHP. I think my total of the 4 will actually end up slightly higher. I'd call that a success.

    Wtf. You cut 40 back and gained on lifts? Lol Maybe you underestimated yourself on lifts too much during bulk. What were your lifts back then and what you weighed in comparison to what you weight now and your curr. Lifts?

    Definitely did not underestimate myself, I have gone to failure many many times on my AMRAP sets before. In my 1RM testing I tested to failure in everything but the squat (which I barely got so I called it a day). As mentioned I have not tested my new lifts but judging by what I am doing for the same weight x reps it will be very close.

    Previously 6'3" 263lbs, dropped to 223lbs.

    Strict OHP 195 (estimate 185-190 now)
    Bench 295 (estimate 285-290 now)
    Squat 365 (estimate 380-385 now)
    DL 535 (estimate 545 now, just did 455x6 and 465x5)

    So overall I'm 95% sure I've gained a little on my total. Gonna try to drop down to ~200lbs early next year and maintain my lifts again. It's not easy by any means.

    Dangggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. We got a terminator down here lol Do you do some sport? Thats some strong bench man lol

    Thank you but no, just a moderately chubby IT nerd here.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    My numbers aren't huge to begin with- so I think I only lost 5-10 pounds off my lifts- but I'm a light weight as it is.

    Still gunning for a 315 DL_ and last max out was 295 (which was down from 305). Squat and bench were both fine.

    Lol yea I go down on DL a lot too, Mostly I loose in on squats. Used to squat 495 with no prob for 7 but now 435 seems tough lol

    :| 495x7 squat at a low RPE? Hmmm....