I want to lose weight fast but I know that's not realistic :(

L0vAnj Posts: 45 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I want to do it the right way but i'm so use to giving up on my diets that I become so fearful of never achieving any of my goals and eating myself to death instead. I am also very use to eating my emotions away instead of pushing my emotions towards a good hobby. Has anyone ever felt this way how did you transition from procrastination to better life habits? Help please I feel so hopeless I just want to feel great again like I did when I was younger. :( I cant even leave my house because of my anxiety any advice from anyone who is growing or has grown past problems like these?


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Professional help.
  • joyfulton94
    joyfulton94 Posts: 15 Member
    Just getting started has helped me tremendously. I track everything and get some form of exercise 6 days a week. Every morning when I step on the scale I see some movement which inspires me to keep going. I read the success stories on here sometimes twice a day and that helps as well. The first step is taking the first step. I'm down almost 9lbs since 4-15. It's far from the 100lbs+ I need to go but every little bit gets me closer to goal than the day before. Just do it!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Don't talk yourself out of it before you even get started. If you don't believe you can accomplish your goals, you won't. Recognize that you will accomplish your goal, but it won't be for a while. Don't focus on the long-term goal, focus on weekly goals instead. If you were to lose one pound a week for a year, you would have lost 52 pounds. They add up.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    From my own personal experience....
    First, I had to REALLY want it. I mean, yes, I've wanted to lose weight and be thinner for YEARS. But it wasn't the right time for me yet, mentally. I had to seriously hit rock-bottom. When that happened, I became willing/desperate enough to really buckle down and get my head in the game.
    Second, research. Researched the heck out of how to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Read through all the stickies on these forums. Things really started to click into place and I had my *lightbulb* moment after that.
    Third, patience. There's no instant gratification in weight loss. I lowered my expectations. Basically, I said to myself, "Don't expect to lose 30 lbs in a month. Expect to lose nothing, and if you do lose something, BONUS."
    Fourth, there's no other alternative. Either stay fat or get healthy. There's no 'going back'.
    Fifth, sustainability. I can still eat everything I want, just smaller portions. Snack are aplenty. Cake and ice cream will be had with certainty. But I also know to not eat like I'm at a birthday party 7 days a week. That's just not how it goes. So I eat the foods I love, in moderation.
    Sixth, love your exercise. Exercise doesn't have to feel like a chore. Find an activity/sport you truly love and do it.
    Seventh, be kind to yourself. You're worth it and being healthier is worth it.
    Eighth, stop caring about what other people think and just do you.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited May 2015
    I want to do it the right way but i'm so use to giving up on my diets that I become so fearful of never achieving any of my goals and eating myself to death instead. I am also very use to eating my emotions away instead of pushing my emotions towards a good hobby. Has anyone ever felt this way how did you transition from procrastination to better life habits? Help please I feel so hopeless I just want to feel great again like I did when I was younger. :(I cant even leave my house because of my anxiety any advice from anyone who is growing or has grown past problems like these?

    Woah. Not normal, or healthy. That sounds terrible. I think you'd benefit from seeing a professional to help work past your anxiety, or perhaps prescribe you some meds to help you cope. Good luck.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Focus on small goals. As in, work on losing 5 pounds. Then work on the next 5 pounds. Or, work on exercising three times this week, for 15 minutes each. Then next week shoot for 20 minutes or 4 times.
  • snbrown1214
    snbrown1214 Posts: 26 Member
    Don't talk yourself out of it before you even get started. If you don't believe you can accomplish your goals, you won't. Recognize that you will accomplish your goal, but it won't be for a while. Don't focus on the long-term goal, focus on weekly goals instead. If you were to lose one pound a week for a year, you would have lost 52 pounds. They add up.
    Or set mini goals....I over all want to lose 141 lbs but I have set it in 50 lbs incriminate so that I don't feel overwhelmed and for reaching that goal I'm buying 2 pairs of pants bc my pants no longer fit.....9 more pounds til first 50 lbs gone and I don't care where they went bc they are not on me.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Definitely see a professional. Like right now. Call today. I have pretty severe anxiety as well, and some other issues. It's a roller coaster to be honest. My best advice would be to simply keep trying. When you're having a good day, prep food and exercise. Do as much as you can.

    Get yourself ready for the bad days. If you overeat etc, log it and move on. Get a bunch of books on body acceptance and immerse yourself in fixing you. I have days just like you, where I literally can't leave the house. Or I feel so horrible about myself that I have panic attacks trying to go to the gym (and I'm a pretty big meat head). You just have to keep trying. Fight through the bad days. You will not always win-but sometimes you will.

    Doing this has helped stop my weight gain. I am not losing yet, but I am holding steady. I have weeks sometimes where I am thousands of calories over my goal, but the second I feel even a little better I am out the door and TRYING. If I simply gave up I am confident I would be significantly heavier at the moment (not to mention holed up in my living room). Good luck
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Also, don't think of it as a "diet"...think of it as a lifestyle change. Your diet is whatever you consume, be it good or bad. Seek professional counselling or maybe even try hypnotherapy. Just suggestions.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Start with setting your MFP goal. Maybe 1 lb a week is reasonable for you. Don't be too intense or restrictive to start with. Expect it to take a long time. Expect not to be perfect every day. Just keep going.
    Expect this to be a learning process. Eat the same food you eat now but log it all. See what fits your daily goal best. Eat smaller portions of higher calorie foods. You don't have to do anything else but stick to your calorie goal. As you go you might change the foods you eat but you don't have to eat particular foods. Protein, fats and fiber can help you feel satisfied though.
    Exercise can be helpful for managing stress and anxiety. You do not have to go to a gym or exercise for hours. You can walk or do videos at home. There are lots of free workout videos on you tube. Maybe try to do 20-30 minutes of some exercise 5 or 6 days a week. Think of it like brushing your teeth.
    I find it helpful to pre-log my food for the whole day the night before or in the morning. You might try that.
    Read the message board. Find some active friends on here with similar goals.
    If you have severe anxiety consider seeking help. It is hard but therapy and/or medication could really make a big difference.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Sorry your struggling. I know this sounds cliche but make yourself do it until it's a habit and part of your daily routine. Once something is part of your daily routine, it becomes much easier. But first you must really look at this like a life style change, not a diet. You can do this! Go through the success stories on here and you'll see that many have achieved their goals that where just like you
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I want to do it the right way but i'm so use to giving up on my diets that I become so fearful of never achieving any of my goals and eating myself to death instead. I am also very use to eating my emotions away instead of pushing my emotions towards a good hobby. Has anyone ever felt this way how did you transition from procrastination to better life habits? Help please I feel so hopeless I just want to feel great again like I did when I was younger. :( I cant even leave my house because of my anxiety any advice from anyone who is growing or has grown past problems like these?

    Small steps. Start just logging your food. Not changing what you eat, just logging it. Give you an idea of how much you are eating. For me just logging things was an eye opener in itself.

    Then start reducing how much you eat, not changing what you eat, just how much you eat. Maybe set mfp to half a pound loss for a few weeks then increase it to 1 then 2 pounds.

    Then start replacing "bad" foods with "good" foods so you getting the right amounts of vitamins and proteins etc.

    But maybe consider speaking to a professional about your anxiety, seems bad if your not leaving your house.
  • ai89965
    ai89965 Posts: 3 Member
    I was the same way I had so much to loose and I felt like dieting and loosing only a pound a week was disheartening. I would diet for a wile and not loose quickly enough so I'd give up. I wanted/ needed to loose weight fast s good amount of weight as like a jump start. That's when I found hcg diet. I went on a six week plan and lost thirty pounds in the six weeks. That gave me the confidence and encouragement I needed. I've been off hcg for three weeks now and have only lost a couple pounds but I'm into it now. I can't go back. I log my food everyday now. No carbs no sugar and trying to stay within 1200/1400 Cals a day. Still have about forty pounds to loose but I'm motivated now to do it! I know I will eventually and maybe even do another round of hcg to loose a good chunk of that
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Yes to professional help. If you use eating to deal with anxiety you have to learn to deal with the anxiety first. Unless you deal with those issues any diet won't work. Get mentally healthy first and then dealing with the weight by changing your lifestyle to eat better will be much easier.
  • L0vAnj
    L0vAnj Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice and comments, sorry if I came on strong emotionally I just want to know I am not alone in sometimes feeling like its a million miles away, but with more progress and more knowledge I seem to be more enthusiastic, thank you again for your responses, helps me a bunch <3
  • misscharleygirl
    misscharleygirl Posts: 66 Member
    Also, don't think of it as a "diet"...think of it as a lifestyle change. Your diet is whatever you consume, be it good or bad. Seek professional counselling or maybe even try hypnotherapy. Just suggestions.

    Yep. All of this.