Slim Fast

Is it good or bad?


  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    You could spend those calories on food. I did it in my 20s and learned nothing and regained it all.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    What are your goals?
    How do you intend to use it?
    Do you like it?
    What is your end game? (ie - do you plan on drinking it forever?)

  • carduccic
    carduccic Posts: 8 Member
    You are about to get a lot of haters posting, but in my experience weight loss really comes down to making lifestyle changes that are sustainable from here on out and includes calories in vs. calories out. If you think you can have a slim fast meal every day forever, and there isn't another option you currently like/would think you can sustain, then I say go for it. There are healthier options out there, but you have to find what works for you. And maybe you can start with Slimfast and work your way to substituting that with better options.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I used them as a quick meal replacement when I didn't have time for anything else. No harm and reasonable price if you find it on sale. I wouldn't use it long term, but as a supplement it's fine.
  • gigimorley
    gigimorley Posts: 3 Member
    I am looking to lose about 20 lbs. I am looking to possibly replace 2 meals with the shake and have a good dinner, my problem is after dinner I want to snack. I am looking for something to curb that. I don't want to drink forever.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    If you must use a meal replacement, you would be better off getting a protein powder and a multivitamin. It would be cheaper, better, but a little less convenient. Slimfast ingredients are kinda crappy in my opinion.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    If you start with the idea that it will be a temporary solution, a way to kickstart your journey, then I say go for it. Sometimes we get bogged down in the details and never make meaningful changes because it's all too daunting. I would start with Slimfast and work on making that one meal your best. Try different recipes, see that you like, what you don't, what keeps you fool, etc. When you have that down work on another healthy habit, and keep on snowballing.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you don't want to drink slim fasts forever, then you should try looking into counting calories, CICO. You can do slim fast but once you get down to what your goal weight is and start to incorporate "real" foods back you most likely will gain weight again. Slim Fast isn't going to teach you how to eat right, how much you can eat, etc.

    Also, the only thing that will help you with snacking at night is you. You have to exercise will power.

    This thread helped me a lot when I first joined MFP
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    gigimorley wrote: »
    I am looking to lose about 20 lbs. I am looking to possibly replace 2 meals with the shake and have a good dinner,

    If you can survive and not go crazy from the lack of calories/food, then it's possible that slim fast MAY help, provided you stay in a caloric deficit for the day as a whole.
    my problem is after dinner I want to snack. I am looking for something to curb that.

    It won't do anything to help that. In fact, it will probably make it worse, as you'll be eating less calories at meal time.
    I don't want to drink forever.

    Then that would also be a vote against using it, since most people, when they stop drinking them, return to their 'normal' eating habits and put the weight back on. Drinking meal replacement shakes doesn't teach you how to properly portion your meals.

  • gigimorley
    gigimorley Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on this journey for almost a year, I lost 15 then gained 5 back, life changes, I was doing really good on not snacking at night and eating pretty healthy during the day, now I just can't seem to get back on track.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I keep some of the cans around for "emergency" meals because they're convenient. In all honesty, whey protein might be cheaper and higher quality calories if you're looking for something to use long term. Personally, I get tired of it really quick. On the up-side, it does have fiber, so I use it for a caloric boost when I'm camping and not really eating enough anyway.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Tastes like chalk.

    You're better off with moderating your normal food.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    They taste like $#!@, they're expensive, and they don't do anything for you that a calorie deficit wont, other than rid your wallet of spare cash.

    Skip the slim slow and just eat food.

  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Never was one for slim fast shakes tho those instant breakfast powders were all kinds of awesome when I was a kid and teen. This being said I'm not a morning eater and never really was.
  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    edited May 2015
    Honestly, 180 calories is not a "meal replacement" for me. Whenever I did Slim Fast I'd drink a shake or eat one of the bars and would be in the loo the rest of the afternoon. So I'd basically be starving. Not everyone experiences such lovely side effects of the products (I have IBS and am extremely sensitive to some artificial sweeteners), but I still don't see how a whopping total of 360 calories a day in shakes or bars (if you're following the "shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, and a sensible dinner" recommendation) is a very sustainable diet plan.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    My general advice...if its not something you think you can do for the long haul, don't do it.
  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    I used it as a meal replacement for 2 meals, ate dinner and had a reasonable snack in between (generally crackers and cheese, veggies, fruits, all counted calories as well). I lost the weight that I wanted to, and kept it off for years. Then I met my husband and we got comfortable. Anyway now I'm looking to lose it differently. But it helped me out when I needed it to.