Fed Up With No Results!



  • JessicaThompson12
    JessicaThompson12 Posts: 82 Member
    Just tell yourself it's not going to be as good as you think it is. And that you'd rather save your calories for something really good versus something that is just around.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    No one can give you the motivation or the discipline.

    I tried to lose weight and failed many times. I didn't really want to do it, I just thought I should do it. Then one morning I woke up and said "I'm going to do this" and I haven't looked back.

    You either want it or you don't. No one can change that for you.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I've done the same +/- 2 pound dance, and also night time is the most difficult for me. The big difference is that my husband never EVER snacks in the evening or has a dessert. But there I am craving something or other and knowing that even if I save 100 or so calories for a snack, it won't feel like enough. It's nothing to do with hunger, but tasting something sweet and to keep tasting and tasting it.

    In my case, the problem is all on me and nothing to do with someone else tempting me. Although, if he were snacking in front of me I would think it was obvious that this was the thing working against me. My point is that maybe your difficulty with evening snacking is not really about having someone else eating in front of you. It may just be that you have to hit on the motivating idea that works for you.

    These are some of mine:

    1) "The Kitchen is Closed" The kitchen is all cleaned up, dishes and pots dried and put away, sink and counters spotless, trash taken out. I don't want to go back in there and disturb anything.

    2) "One Good Day" Today, I'm not going to eat anything unplanned or anything not pre-logged. I can do this for just this one day, right? Tomorrow, I'll have one more Good Day. Then the next day...

    3) The one that is working the best for me right now is fasting for part of every day. If I snack after supper, I'll have to start the fast period all over again and it will delay my breakfast even more tomorrow.
  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    scales = sad step, don't just use weight alone as a factor in progression! energy levels, hair and skin condition, general wellness etc are all as important.
  • montanasnowflake
    montanasnowflake Posts: 9 Member
    You have recognized the issue. It is going to take some focus and life style change to make it happen.

    the key is planning your exercise and activities. Plan the life you want. Taking a yoga class of going to an outdoor event in the evening is a good start. have some light snacks around for the night that you plan to relax.

    Remind yourself when you see someone healthy and slim that chances are they are working very hard to be that way. The mindset that this doesn't take effort will not work for you.

    Very good advise, for myself as well .....since I have the same prob as the OP. :)

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    If just the snacking at night is your downfall, I agree with making other plans - it can be something exercise related or even just running errands. I used to "shop" when I had more time (pre motherhood) just to get out of the house. I wouldn't even buy anything, just try things on and that kept me on the right path because the clothes I tried on either looked awesome, or made me look terrible.

    Also, if you're sitting on the couch next to him while he snacks, maybe you can chew gum - nobody likes to eat potato chips while they have gum in their mouth, believe me.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited May 2015
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Or you could just learn self control and let your partner do his thing.

    That ^ isn't helpful.

    OP, it is really hard to practice self control. I read a study about how overweight people actually utilize their willpower more than skinny people, but the difference is skinny people do not go into situations where they need to use willpower.

    I disagree. When I am at functions involving food and a variety of people and unrestricted access to food - such as a wedding reception, a party, a church picnic etc...I notice one thing and one thing only: people whether they are skinny or fat choose how much food to put on their plate and eat it.

    It is not fair to ask your partner to restrict their habits to keep you from overeating. Overeating is a choice.

    It's a choice I made for many years. My husband and I would watch TV at night and he would get a bowl of chips (left the bag downstairs) and measured out some dip in his bowl (left the dip container in the fridge) Meanwhile, I would sit next to him with the box of Froot Loops or Cap'n Crunch. He would stop eating when his chips were gone...and I would continue to eat until we were done watching TV. One time, I ate nearly the entire box of Froot Loops in one sitting.

    Now, I do like he does...if I bring a snack to watch TV...I pour out a serving (or 2 if I have enough calories) and leave the box downstairs.

    I do this because I want to lose weight much more than I want to mindlessly shovel snacks in my mouth.

    And I haven't had to demand my husband to stop snacking or munching or eating what he enjoys.

    The responsibility for what I eat is mine and mine alone. I can choose to let food rule over me, or I can be the boss of what goes in my mouth.

  • healthy_juls
    healthy_juls Posts: 36 Member
    You have recognized the issue. It is going to take some focus and life style change to make it happen.

    the key is planning your exercise and activities. Plan the life you want. Taking a yoga class of going to an outdoor event in the evening is a good start. have some light snacks around for the night that you plan to relax.

    Remind yourself when you see someone healthy and slim that chances are they are working very hard to be that way. The mindset that this doesn't take effort will not work for you.

    Very good advise, for myself as well .....since I have the same prob as the OP. :)

    Excellent advice. Thank You.