
Howe to get pumped up for work out time?


  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    I schedule it in. So much of success is suiting up, showing up, and doing the work. For me, it is early in the AM. I have realized that following a calorie plan is crucial to my weight loss/wellness journey. Exercise is crucial for my brain, bones, lean muscle mass. Find something that you enjoy and go for it! I will admit that i like to listen to Pandora (free app) while exercising.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    For me mornings are the best time, I never want to work out, but once I get moving I don't want to stop. I will say to myself Connie, get your *kitten* up, I want to be healthier and around for a long time to drive my family nuts..lol.. Good luck and all the best on your journey
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I've been setting goals every week to do more. I've started walking in the morning when I get to work (I get here super early since me and my husband carpool) and now I'm doing the 30 day shred challenge. I just turn on the Beyoncé pandora station and think about how awesome I'm gonna look!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    It's netflix for me, or sometimes I set up my youtube acct with a lot of "watch laters." Of course, that mainly only works on stationary cardio machines. Can't take the couch potato out of the girl...
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    Pre-workout! just kidding...but really, pre-workout.
  • alexgmurphy
    alexgmurphy Posts: 12 Member
    Get nice, CUTE workout clothes. Expensive if you can afford it. ONLY let yourself wear them during workouts. Nothing is more motivating than wanting to validate expenditures!

    Have a pump-up playlist ready. Play it when you need motivation to get going.

    Tell your friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/mom/whoever when you're going to work out. Ask them to text you to make sure you're at the gym.

    This can be dangerous, but inspiration pictures help me. If you're sensitive to body image issues, don't do it, but sometimes looking at bodies like the one I'm trying to achieve helps.

    Track your progress so you can see how far you've come.

    Journal after every workout about how you feel and how glad you are you did it. When you need motivation, read the journal. You can also write letters to yourself for this purpose.

    Plan a reward for yourself after achieving a daily goal. Do not make your reward a food item. Some of my favorites are doing my nails, taking a bath, getting a massage from my boyfriend, or playing a video game.