Shin Splints

So a little over a year ago I started running I didn't really know what I was doing, what shoes to wear or how to land. So I ended up getting horrible shin splints from it. Enough so it literally stopped me from running. I am now back into running and love it. I am only running on the treadmill at my gym for the moment. I would like to get to running outside so I can actually enjoy the nice weather we get, however I am extremely scared of getting shin splints again. Is there anything you can do to prevent them so I can run on asphalt without getting hurt again?


  • kelseyg22
    kelseyg22 Posts: 25 Member
    running on different surfaces instead of always the same thing helps prevent shin splints. You could actually get shin splints from just the treadmill if your not careful. I try to run on different types of ground; the local track, a dirt road, street, treadmill, grass trail. Keep the variety going :) And if you ever feel them coming on, take a day or two off. If you keep fighting thru it, eventually you will need to take even more time off for them to heal. Good luck!
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    'Draw' the alphabet with each of your feet/toes....I'm not sure how to describe this well....but it will help strengthen the shin muscles and prevent shin splints.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Read this sticky:

    What helped me besides fitted running shoes was beginning with short and quick strides.
  • vdobbs28
    vdobbs28 Posts: 72 Member
    I got shin splints a little over a month ago and I got new shoes and I took my 3 lb weight and put it between my feet and pointed and flexed my toes with the weight in between my feet....worked wonders!! Good luck!
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Wear quality shoes and stay off concrete. Even blacktop has more cushion than concrete. Ideally you would run on local trails or a cushioned track.
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    kelseyg22 wrote: »
    running on different surfaces instead of always the same thing helps prevent shin splints. You could actually get shin splints from just the treadmill if your not careful. I try to run on different types of ground; the local track, a dirt road, street, treadmill, grass trail. Keep the variety going :) And if you ever feel them coming on, take a day or two off. If you keep fighting thru it, eventually you will need to take even more time off for them to heal. Good luck!

    I did different surfaces last time and that I believe is how I got the splints. I was ok when I was on the treadmill it was when I adventured off they said no no lol.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think as well is your form, how you hit the ground and doing exercises to strengthen the shins like the alphabet thing ans well as leg deadlifts which help with stride and balance while running.