How do you shrink your thighs?

*sigh* Okay, I had a GREAT success this past 2 weeks with my upper body, I lost 2.5 inches! But my thighs grew by a total of .75 inches :frown: I've been doing 6 sets of 10 squats (with weights) and 3 sets of lunges (with weights) for my strength training, and I started C25K 2 weeks ago exactly... Is that why my thighs are growing? How can I get them to shrink instead of get even more massive? (My left thigh is 27.5 in. and the right one is app. 27 in.)


  • TaraTipp
    TaraTipp Posts: 19 Member
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
  • melody6387
    melody6387 Posts: 49
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    Look into Physique 57. It is like hyped up Pilates.
  • BUMP
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You can't spot lose or reduce fat. The provided exercises will tone the muscles in those areas, but your body decides where/how to distribute fat. You just need to lose overall, and your body will decide how to distribute what fat you have.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    You can't spot lose or reduce fat. The provided exercises will tone the muscles in those areas, but your body decides where/how to distribute fat. You just need to lose overall, and your body will decide how to distribute what fat you have.

    I know that, what I mean is I don't want my muscles to be really bulky in that area (like they seem to be right now). I'd rather look long and lean than have chunky thighs. What I want to know is are the exercises I'm doing right now the right ones or not.
  • bluebird67
    bluebird67 Posts: 1
    Normally when you first start pushing the weights, your muscles will swell up, I suppose from all the fresh blood and slight inflammation. It's normal - don't give up even though it freaks you out. Once your body gets used to the new level of activity, it will calm down and the outer coating of fat will reduce, and you'll have lovely, muscular legs. Make sure you don't do a heavy legs workout every day - you need to let the muscles rest between workouts. So for example, Monday lower body, Tuesday upper body, Wednesday lower body, etc., Do some intense cardio every day. And I personally think it's a good thing to get one day of rest or only really light activity (like walk around your neighborhood to enjoy the sights). Also, try to get regular massages - not sure it helps with the weight loss itself but your body will thank you and I think it helps with eliminating the toxins in your body that can cause bloating in the extremities. Most larger cities now have massage therapy schools where they will practice on you for very reduced rates :-)
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member

    Should I continue doing the strength exercises I'm already doing in addition to these or cut those out?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You can't spot lose or reduce fat. The provided exercises will tone the muscles in those areas, but your body decides where/how to distribute fat. You just need to lose overall, and your body will decide how to distribute what fat you have.

    I know that, what I mean is I don't want my muscles to be really bulky in that area (like they seem to be right now). I'd rather look long and lean than have chunky thighs. What I want to know is are the exercises I'm doing right now the right ones or not.

    You won’t (you can’t) get bulky unless you go out of you way to. Keep squatting it is the best exercise you can do.

    What is happening is when you lift weight your muscles fill with more fluid and nutrients to help recovery. This can attribute to a small increase in size. If cut your sets/reps down to 3x5 or 5x5 and keep the weight heavy, you will minimize size growth while keeping strength growth.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I have thigh problems myself and what i read was that working out everyday on them with less weights but more reps and sets will give you leaner muscles... so the opposite, on gaining mass, which is building your thighs up, would be to go heavy on the weights and do it every other day.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member

    I know that, what I mean is I don't want my muscles to be really bulky in that area (like they seem to be right now). I'd rather look long and lean than have chunky thighs. What I want to know is are the exercises I'm doing right now the right ones or not.

    You are not getting bulky! You either measured in a different spot or it's water weight. The other thing is you already have extremely toned legs and are building muscle. This is one of my major pet peeves, women thinking they are bulking when it's really other factors.

    Not sure what your weight goal or where you need to be, but I'd suggest having a body fat assessment done by a qualified individual.

    Increase your cardio to lose your fat - lift weights to tone. But you will get smaller by reducing fat by cardio and toning. Example, I was close to where I wanted to be in weight and was happy with it - I started P90X, and lost 4" off my waist, 2 off my arms, and 3 on my legs, hips and chest. I didn't lose any more weight, but I lost sizes. I lift fairly heavy weights, 20lbs and need to increase, but my arms have not gotten bigger in size, but I'm stronger and have muscle definition.

    Have you tried running? That's where my legs really got into clearly defined muscles.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member

    I know that, what I mean is I don't want my muscles to be really bulky in that area (like they seem to be right now). I'd rather look long and lean than have chunky thighs. What I want to know is are the exercises I'm doing right now the right ones or not.

    You are not getting bulky! You either measured in a different spot or it's water weight. The other thing is you already have extremely toned legs and are building muscle. This is one of my major pet peeves, women thinking they are bulking when it's really other factors.

    Not sure what your weight goal or where you need to be, but I'd suggest having a body fat assessment done by a qualified individual.

    Increase your cardio to lose your fat - lift weights to tone. But you will get smaller by reducing fat by cardio and toning. Example, I was close to where I wanted to be in weight and was happy with it - I started P90X, and lost 4" off my waist, 2 off my arms, and 3 on my legs, hips and chest. I didn't lose any more weight, but I lost sizes. I lift fairly heavy weights, 20lbs and need to increase, but my arms have not gotten bigger in size, but I'm stronger and have muscle definition.

    Have you tried running? That's where my legs really got into clearly defined muscles.

    Well, we don't know any better, so don't get mad! lol!

    And that's what C25K is, a running program.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    EDIT: Accidental double post.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    You're currently training in what would be the Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth) rep range.

    Lower your sets and increase your reps. - 3sets of Lunges, and 3 sets of Squats

    Shoot for 15-20 Reps on each exercise where you're pushing for the last 5. Plus, the higher reps will force you to activate your core to maintain form throughout for a longer duration.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    You're currently training in what would be the Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth) rep range.

    Lower your sets and increase your reps. - 3sets of Lunges, and 3 sets of Squats

    Shoot for 15-20 Reps on each exercise where you're pushing for the last 5. Plus, the higher reps will force you to activate your core to maintain form throughout for a longer duration.

    Yay, I'm not crazy! lol!

    Thank you, this makes a lot of sense. Should I ditch the weights? (5 lbs. in each hand)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You're currently training in what would be the Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth) rep range.

    Lower your sets and increase your reps. - 3sets of Lunges, and 3 sets of Squats

    Shoot for 15-20 Reps on each exercise where you're pushing for the last 5. Plus, the higher reps will force you to activate your core to maintain form throughout for a longer duration.

    No, this is a popular misconception. There are two different types of hypertrophy. Sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. Sarcoplasmic relates to size and is present in the 6-12 rep range and myofibrillar relates to strength and is present in the 1-5 rep range.

    Read this for more details.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You're currently training in what would be the Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth) rep range.

    Lower your sets and increase your reps. - 3sets of Lunges, and 3 sets of Squats

    Shoot for 15-20 Reps on each exercise where you're pushing for the last 5. Plus, the higher reps will force you to activate your core to maintain form throughout for a longer duration.

    Yay, I'm not crazy! lol!

    Thank you, this makes a lot of sense. Should I ditch the weights? (5 lbs. in each hand)

    No, increase the weight (barbell on your back, not dumbbells) and decrease your sets/reps (3x5 or 5x5)