Feeling rubbish after weighing myself

ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
edited May 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I first weighed myself around 3 weeks ago and I was 11stone. I've just weighed myself again and I'm 11 stone 1!

I feel so crap about it, I exercise all the time and eat really well, I don't know why I haven't lost any.
To me, my body in the mirror is changing,I look slimmer and my body shape is changing in a good way, so why are the scales saying I've put on?!

I feel like all my hard work hasn't lost me any weight :'(


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Are you due to get your period by any chance?
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    No not quite yet, I still have over a week until them. I do drink a fair bit of water so I wondered if that made any difference?
    Is there a better time to weigh yourself? It's nearly 8pm here and I had dinner probably an hour ago.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    I have been there. If you recently started exercising regularly after being sedentary, your body could be holding onto water weight, however I am not sure how long this lasts. My biggest suggestion is to take your measurements. For me, it has been a lifesaver. There was a month I only lost 3 pounds, but I lost a total of 5.5 inches in the same time period, so it does balance out the frustration of not losing much when you see other progress.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ChelleE31 wrote: »
    No not quite yet, I still have over a week until them. I do drink a fair bit of water so I wondered if that made any difference?
    Is there a better time to weigh yourself? It's nearly 8pm here and I had dinner probably an hour ago.

    When did you weigh yourself the first time? Do it at the same time of day to be consistent. Weighing first thing in the morning is better, as a general rule.
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    Emily3907 wrote: »
    I have been there. If you recently started exercising regularly after being sedentary, your body could be holding onto water weight, however I am not sure how long this lasts. My biggest suggestion is to take your measurements. For me, it has been a lifesaver. There was a month I only lost 3 pounds, but I lost a total of 5.5 inches in the same time period, so it does balance out the frustration of not losing much when you see other progress.

    Thanks for the advice, I think you're rich straight away, I can 100% see that my waist is slimmer and my belly is also smaller. I might start to do that.

    I also wondered if I'm just building muscle too and that's adding to it.

  • sjdoman
    sjdoman Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. that s my official weigh in. I obsessively weigh myself throughout the day also. I have found that drinking 8-12 cups of water per day keeps the scales lower because when you dont drink enough water it causes your body to retain water. Also high sodium and sugar levels will cause you to retain water as well.
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    edited May 2015
    ChelleE31 wrote: »
    No not quite yet, I still have over a week until them. I do drink a fair bit of water so I wondered if that made any difference?
    Is there a better time to weigh yourself? It's nearly 8pm here and I had dinner probably an hour ago.

    When did you weigh yourself the first time? Do it at the same time of day to be consistent. Weighing first thing in the morning is better, as a general rule.

    I'm pretty sure it was the morning last time , so I'll have another go tomorrow morning.

    I just feel deflated :/

    I know exercise builds muscle , so I'm wondering if this is coming into it?
  • ericalouise661
    ericalouise661 Posts: 20 Member
    Don't feel about it. A pound here and there is nothing. Just remember the journey you're on and you may have weeks where you gain. Back in 2013 I was running upto 17miles per day for fun, I couldn't run 17minutes now
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ChelleE31 wrote: »
    ChelleE31 wrote: »
    No not quite yet, I still have over a week until them. I do drink a fair bit of water so I wondered if that made any difference?
    Is there a better time to weigh yourself? It's nearly 8pm here and I had dinner probably an hour ago.

    When did you weigh yourself the first time? Do it at the same time of day to be consistent. Weighing first thing in the morning is better, as a general rule.

    I'm pretty sure it was the morning last time , so I'll have another go tomorrow morning.

    I just feel deflated :/

    I know exercise builds muscle , so I'm wondering if this is coming into it?

    No, it's not muscle.

    Weigh in the morning, I'm sure you'll have lost.
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    Don't feel about it. A pound here and there is nothing. Just remember the journey you're on and you may have weeks where you gain. Back in 2013 I was running upto 17miles per day for fun, I couldn't run 17minutes now

    Thank you :). I know it takes time, I've only been really aiming to lose weight since three weeks ago so I know it might take a few more weeks for the scale to change.

    I just expected to see at least 1/2 pounds lost as I really feel like my body looks slimmer.
  • ericalouise661
    ericalouise661 Posts: 20 Member
    No problem
  • ericalouise661
    ericalouise661 Posts: 20 Member

    No problem
    I'm just getting used to these posts, wrote more and it didn't come up.

    But basically keep going and as long as you can see the changes that's all that matters.
    Keep going!!
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    No problem
    I'm just getting used to these posts, wrote more and it didn't come up.

    But basically keep going and as long as you can see the changes that's all that matters.
    Keep going!!

    :) I'm definitely not giving up, I suppose it's a bit unrealistic to think I'll see a lot of change in a few weeks.

  • ericalouise661
    ericalouise661 Posts: 20 Member
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I haven't lost in about two months and for 6 weeks of that I've been doing Insanity. I won't lie and say I don't care but I use other ways to track progress too, namely my body measurements and those have changed dramatically. Keep going, it will happen (I hope!).
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    I haven't lost in about two months and for 6 weeks of that I've been doing Insanity. I won't lie and say I don't care but I use other ways to track progress too, namely my body measurements and those have changed dramatically. Keep going, it will happen (I hope!).

    Really! That sounds crazy, I've not done Insanity but I know it's hard work. I'm definitely going to start measuring myself and not depending on the scale.

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Hard work is putting it mildly but I'm enjoying it. Our bodies will do their thing sometimes and there's nothing we can do about it!
  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    Hard work is putting it mildly but I'm enjoying it. Our bodies will do their thing sometimes and there's nothing we can do about it!

    Very true, I know I look slimmer and more toned so I'm just going to be happy with that. The scales aren't the most important thing.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I had a quick look at your diary, I'd recommend getting a digital scale and weighing things, your weights and measures are all over the show so it looks like you're trying to make a good guess. You'd be surprised how inaccurate we can be and you may find you are over/under estimating and that's tripping you up without realising. It's all a learning curve at first!