Got a LOT of weight to lose.... who wants to join my support crew???? ;)

Well, I'm back on MFP! I hate tracking - we all know this... but instrincially, it works - I just have to learn to be consistent!
I'm following a combination plan... getting weighed in at weight watchers each Thursday and following their plan, but I'm also tracking my macros on the side and trying to hit those as best as possible (IIFYM).
I'm starting on a 12 week lifting programme as well and overall, am commencing on my own Project: Christmas Confidence (PCC).... can you believe there are only 30 weeks until Christmas (don't hate... but it's true). I don't want to feel awful this Christmas, so I'm starting out now!
Please add me - I could do with all the support I can get!!!


  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Hey there! I'm sending you an add now :). I have about 125 pounds to lose. I did it once and I am determined to do it again; only this time I am keeping it off. I want to lose an average of 10 pounds a month; so it looks like I'm shooting for about 70 pounds gone by Christmas :p let's do this!
  • userfriendly2
    userfriendly2 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Clare, you are definitely on the right road with the weight watchers weighing sessions - they are such a great motivator and its super fantastic that you are starting a lifting programme, I wish you every success with it and I have no doubt you will enjoy it (perhaps it may even become a lifestyle choice) also @slimjame all the best with your goals too, it will be even easier the second time around :)
  • ads11580
    ads11580 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting the police academy in the fall and wan
  • baby_kayla2002
    baby_kayla2002 Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me also I am also looking for friends to mutually motivate each other. :)
  • mackenziecoy
    mackenziecoy Posts: 21 Member
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    I'm in.