Jillian michaels body revolution

hello- I just started doing this dvd set. Anyone else doing it? Or have done it? Was the results good? Thank you


  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    Good Morning @alayna2009 - I just started week 11. I have thoroughly enjoyed this program, and am thinking about repeating it when I complete this go around.. I have seen a loss in weight and inches. Because I have an injured leg I am not able to do all the jumps and lunges as in the program. So, even with this I saw positive results. You will get out of it what you put into it. Good luck to you!
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you. I just hope I can stick to it. I had my second child in March and was glad this program is only 30 minutes. Did you follow Jillian diet plan or just tracked what you ate on here?
  • JinxedyJinx
    JinxedyJinx Posts: 50 Member
    I completed a round of Body Revolution in 2013. My results were mostly fitness oriented. I was definitely in very good shape by the time I finished it. I remember taking a Zumba class with a friend during Month 3 of the program and I was astonished at how ridiculously easy the Zumba was - my fitness level had increased so much from the JMBR that it hardly got my heart rate up to do the Zumba moves.

    However, I did not follow the diet program (or any diet program at all) during the time I did the DVD's so my weight loss only came in about 4 pounds. (I probably did lose a few inches though, but I never measured). If you are looking for weight loss, and not just fitness, definitely prioritize diet. The diet plan that comes with the program is very low calorie - basically 1200 a day. I could never stick to anything quite that low, especially working out as hard as you will with Body Revolution. (But I guess some people do, so to each his own!)

    The first month of the program is very doable and moderate. Jillian definitely starts you out with genuine beginner moves. The second month gets incredibly hard incredibly fast. I had to take extra rest days, but I was determined to get to the end, which I did, just not as quickly as the program calendar. It helps that the workouts are only 30 minutes a day.

    While the program accelerated my fitness level, it's not something I will personally ever repeat. I was basically tired, achy and sore for two months straight, and that's just not how I want to feel every day. I have a permanent crunchy sound that my knees make now every time I bend or crouch down that I attribute directly to Body Revolution - so it's definitely a program that's tough on the joints. (I'm 36, and find that my joints are becoming somewhat more of a consideration than they were in my 20's). I personally find more moderate programs to be more sustainable for me, although I do love Jillian Michaels and still use some of her other work outs regularly.

    Good luck with the program! Just remember no amount of exercise will negate a bad diet!

  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for advice and story. I'm just trying to find something that's 30 min a day due to me having 2 kids and wanted to make sure I got some type of work out in.
  • JinxedyJinx
    JinxedyJinx Posts: 50 Member
    If you have access to YouTube, also try FitnessBlender (they have 30 minute programs) or JessicaSmithTv, who has an incredible range of very well done free workouts, many less than 30 min!
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    alayna2009 wrote: »
    Thank you. I just hope I can stick to it. I had my second child in March and was glad this program is only 30 minutes. Did you follow Jillian diet plan or just tracked what you ate on here?

    Congrats on your 2nd child. No, I didn't follow the meal plan. I have never done well with my meals planned out as to what I can and cannot eat. ;) I just follow MFP and log everything here.

    As you do the exercises, remember to do what you can. They illustrate different intensities for each exercise so you don't have to feel like you need to kill it with the advanced moves. Also, after the 2 weeks of each routine/session (or whatever it is called), if I didn't feel strong enough to advance to the next workouts, I repeated it another week. I remember for a fact Weeks 1-2 lasted 3 weeks; I didn't proceed until I felt ready. Basically, it is taking me longer than the planned 90 days for the program. LOL Make it work for you! :)
  • marthaelisa80
    marthaelisa80 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm just finishing phase 1 this week and I've lost 3 inches around my waist. I will not weigh myself until the end. I don't want the scale interfering with my progress because I know myself. Next week I start phase 2 and I have been sticking to the 1200 calorie diet.
  • pbondegard
    pbondegard Posts: 3 Member
    I am on week 5 now. In phase one I lost 13 lbs (starting at 242 the first day) and 9.25 inches (4.5 in my waist) I just followed MFP for diet. I did the best I could and tried to keep up. I love the program because it slowly progresses and Jillian is a motivator to me and I like her. Push ups are still killers for me I struggle with them every time and always end up on my knees, but I love the cardio dvd. I could finally do the full minutes of the running mans.
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    Yeah the running man I can't do it all. Good luck you guys in your upcoming phases.
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    I've seen fitness blender on you tube thanks for the advice.
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    I'll see how I feel next week but as of right now even the first 2 DVDs I'm doing I feel some are hard so that's a good idea to keep at it until ready. I can't even do the full set of push ups on knees or the lunges. I'm just way out of shape as well. Best of luck everyone
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    Also how do you guys enter your work out into your excercise diary?
  • pbondegard
    pbondegard Posts: 3 Member
    I wear a heart rate monitor and usually burn 250-350 calories per video depending on effort/mood, etc. I created a "Body Revolution Strength" and a "Body Revolution Cardio" exercise and log it that way.
  • tMarieAdams
    tMarieAdams Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I am so excited I found this group! I am just about to finish up my 2nd week of BR. I have already lost about 1/2 inch on my hips and I'm down 2 pounds. I've tried workout programs before, but this one being only 30 minutes is by far the best one I have done. I have to have a program that tells me which exercise to do on which day- or else my motivation just goes straight out the window. Seeing all of you who have been with the program for so long and had great results just gets me that much more pumped up to go home and get my workout in! This is definitely the most dedicated I've been for fitness for awhile now (college totally took the drive out of me!). I have been following the Weight Watchers diet since January and have already lost 30 pounds with that alone. I'm hoping this program will help me to reach my final goal of 50 pounds and also help me to tone up! Good luck to everyone! :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I just got this program and look forward to starting it, after I finish the 21 Day Fix program. My only concern is the Plyo moves since they are hard in my knees. Anyone have to modify the Plyos?
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    How do you like the 21 day fix program? I'm just about to start week 2 tomorrow. Week one and two seem to be easier and getting your body ready. So not to crazy of moves yet :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Alayna, I love it! I ordered Extreme, by mistake and started with that, losing 4.5" and 2.2 pounds just eating my MFP calories. I modify the Plyos though since they bother my knees and there are a lot of them.

    I just received regular Fix and will probably start that Monday.

    I like the 30 minute workouts and as someone very familiar with boot camp-style classes, I love the timed-do as many as you can- intervals. Plus, it's a tough workout! My legs and butt were killing me the first 5 days, incentive to keep going since I don't want to feel that pain again!
  • DanielleH1708
    DanielleH1708 Posts: 87 Member
    I'll have to try that after my 90 days from body revolution.
  • Clo747
    Clo747 Posts: 112 Member
    I've done up to week 9 on Body Rev, but always seem to get waylaid; injuries, surgeries, holidays... So, I'm hoping to get a good chunk of the way through before the summer holidays and I've got two boys bugging for my undivided attention!
    I am coming back to exercise after about an 8 week hiatus. I was feeling pretty burnt out and dealing with other stuff that put me off. But I really need to get back to it and I'd like to lose this extra 20 lbs that seems to have found me after I lost it 2 years ago!
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    This makes me want to pull this set out again. I think this really built up my strength and endurance from couch potato to semi-athlete. I always enjoyed JM's training style. She says the right thing to keep me going. Definitely worth the time and money.

    I have since pushed myself to do other things like heavy strengthen training and half-marathons. I know the first couple weeks now would be slow unless I added more to the weights. This will take anyone that sucks at fitness to enjoy it and push for more.