
I do not feel like my body is strong enough yet to keep up with kempo X and I dont want to flop around and hurt myself. The question. If I Do cardio x instead till I feel stronger will I still be getting results? or what do you think I should do? If I take the P90X videos and use them like I would regular workout videos with breaks in between working out like take sundays and thursdays off Do you think I will still see results just not as fast?


  • fishtank63
    fishtank63 Posts: 11 Member
    You should absolutely do what feels best for you, I did Cardio the 1st couple of weeks instead of Plyo, just because it was so hard when I first started. The weight lifting exercises give you a chance to pace yourself more, it's harder with the cardio workouts. Take lots of breaks, and when you're done, be done, don't hurt yourself. As you feel stonger, do more. I just finished the entire P90X workout this last Sunday, and I'm continuing by repeating Phase 3.

    Keep it up, it's absolutely worth it!
  • ToeTapN
    ToeTapN Posts: 64 Member
    Like Tony says...
    Do your best and forget the rest! I think you will still see great results. You will still be doing an awesome workout 5 days a week and you may soon find yourself stronger and wanting to do more.

    Good Luck to you. I just finished p90x (lean schedule) and loved it.
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    I hated Kenpo when I started P90X because I was not that coordinated. I love it now! Just go slow. You don't have to match the video move for move. Once you get stronger and get the moves down, it will be much easier to do.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I dont really think you need strength for Kenpo X??? Have you tried it?? Its probably the least weight bearing routine out of all of them!

    Give it a try, its the most fun! :bigsmile: And you have to do 10 mins of Kenpo in Cardio X anyhow!!

    But in answer to your question, do what you suits you! As long as you're doing something, you'll get fitter/leaner :flowerforyou:

    Buy I really, REALLY think you should try Kenpo as its great! :wink: It's more about co-ordination than strength!
  • Yemaya1129
    Yemaya1129 Posts: 75
    I think that Kenpo can be about strength, in that you need to keep your abs and core engaged, etc, to really get the most out of it. It definitely requires more coordination than several of the workouts and it's more intense than Cardio X (in part because it's longer)...especially if you've never done any sort of martial arts before. It will get better as you do it, but ultimately, I think you need to listen to your body. If you really feel like you're flailing and uncomfortable, then by all means, do the Cardio X until you feel stronger. It's counterproductive to hurt yourself. But if you can tolerate it, just do the best you can, for as long as you can. Don't feel that you need to keep up with the pace of the people in the video. Work at your own pace.