Still no changes.. :-(

TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I bought a Heart rate monitor and use this to track my intensity (usually between 80-90%) and calories burns. I keep an accurate food diary and eat my 1200 calories a day and I eat back what I exercise. I eat lots of veges and fruits and fish and lean chicken. I drink lots of water. I also switch my exercises up between Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown, her 30 day Shred (with weights), my treadmill (with incline) and my elliptical. I have STILL not lost any weight?... I just don't get it. i am doing everything this website(and others) say to do and I'm not losing.... I thought maybe I gained muscle and so I measured changes.

I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I don't have a whole lot to lose so I know it will come off slower but I should at least be able to see something?..

I keep thinking each week that I am doing SO good and then get so dissapointed when I feel my scale or take my measurments.

My goal was to be at 140 (at least) by my birthday on the 30th because we are taking a vacation to go to Las Vegas. Unless I drop a pound a day until then -it's just not going to happen.

What am I doing wrong yall? I need all the help I can get....



  • I managed to lose a pound a day last week. Drop your intake to 1000 calories and it worked for me.

    But other than that, stop eating the calories you earn by exercise and make sure you count the calories in vegetables and fruit.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Ok - according to your ticker you've lost 12 pounds - when did those come off? Before joining here?

    How long has it been since you've lost anything? It took me three weeks before I started losing anything this time (and my measurements didn't change either).
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    It's hard to tell you what isn't working without being able to see your diary. Make it public and you'll get more responses. That being said you are doing what you should be doing according to what you wrote. Often times when you have so little to lose setting your goal to losing 2 lbs. a week isn't realistic. I started there as well and lost only a few pounds before stalling. I kept changing it and now it's set to lose 1/2 lb. a week, but with exercise I am losing closer to a pound a week and am now 4 lbs. from my goal ( I started with 20 lbs. to lose). You may find a readjustment is needed.
  • kaymckinley
    kaymckinley Posts: 10 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me. I started calorie cycling and I started to lose again. I also decreased my exercise. So now I have three days a week where I work out twice a day and two days a week, once a day. I do not exercise at all on the weekends. I do not eat back my calories and it worked great for me. Good luck.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I managed to lose a pound a day last week. Drop your intake to 1000 calories and it worked for me.

    But other than that, stop eating the calories you earn by exercise and make sure you count the calories in vegetables and fruit.

  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I managed to lose a pound a day last week. Drop your intake to 1000 calories and it worked for me.

    But other than that, stop eating the calories you earn by exercise and make sure you count the calories in vegetables and fruit.

    Please do your research before listening to this advice. Almost everyone on here will agree this is not healthy. 1,000 calories is not enough especially with exercise - you'll lose muscle which will just hurt you in the long run (you'll be skinny fat). You need to fuel your body. 1,200 calories MINIMUM. Up to you whether you eat some or all or none of your exercise calories back based on the research you do (I only eat back what I get from HARD workouts and only half of those usually, not moderate like walking --- but that is just me, everyone needs to make this decision for themselves.) Please research before doing anything drastic though!!! The last thing you want to do is change one problem for another.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    I have heard some people on here succeeding by upping their calorie intake. Maybe eat more then the 1200 net calories and see how that works...
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I have heard some people on here succeeding by upping their calorie intake. Maybe eat more then the 1200 net calories and see how that works...

    i agree. you are close to your goal weight and 1200 calories may not be sufficient enough. try eating an extra 100 to 200 calories/ day or try calorie cycling. try each one for a couple weeks and i guarantee the weight will start falling off again. you have hit a plateau which means you have to change something. dont give up and definitely dont drop under 1200 calories.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Maybe chill on the workouts with weights? You might be losing fat lbs, but replacing it with muscle which would make you think you were not losing weight at all.
    Did you do measurments before you started the 30 day shred?
    You only have 20 lbs to lose so it might be harder to lose weight? I am not sure what to tell you other than focusing on the other benifits your seeing, like increased energy and just feeling better in general. Just keep at it and try not to lose heart.
  • yessiseguy
    yessiseguy Posts: 116
    Dont do weights. Lower ur intake to 1000 (but eat well) dont starve. EAt tuna, fish etc. DO NOT eat out and
    do not count the exercise as less calories just stick to 1000 whether you exercise or not.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Oh many different ansers.....some saying just eat 1000 calories some saying eat more....some saying don't eat back the exercise calories..... ugh. This is exhausting. Thank you to everyone that responded. it shows you want to help and care others do well and in this day in age that's an admirable quality to find in people. This is still so confusing. I feel like I'm getting "desperate feeling" since there hasn't been any changes. With as much as I sweat I feel like I have melted...but my clothes are not any looser.....

  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I bought a Heart rate monitor and use this to track my intensity (usually between 80-90%) and calories burns. I keep an accurate food diary and eat my 1200 calories a day and I eat back what I exercise. I eat lots of veges and fruits and fish and lean chicken. I drink lots of water. I also switch my exercises up between Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown, her 30 day Shred (with weights), my treadmill (with incline) and my elliptical. I have STILL not lost any weight?... I just don't get it. i am doing everything this website(and others) say to do and I'm not losing.... I thought maybe I gained muscle and so I measured changes.

    I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I don't have a whole lot to lose so I know it will come off slower but I should at least be able to see something?..

    I keep thinking each week that I am doing SO good and then get so dissapointed when I feel my scale or take my measurments.

    My goal was to be at 140 (at least) by my birthday on the 30th because we are taking a vacation to go to Las Vegas. Unless I drop a pound a day until then -it's just not going to happen.

    What am I doing wrong yall? I need all the help I can get....

    Some points I will make:

    1. What you "think" you burned through exercise isn't necessarily true. Take those heart rate monitors and other calorie trackers with a grain of salt.

    2. Why do you switch up your exercises?

    3. I would reasses your diet and your training regime. Open up your diary so that I can see it.
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I've seen great success with eating at least 1250 calories a day, but not eating my exercise calories back. From my doctor to my trainer if you drop below 1200, you are not going to lose weight. Maybe up your protein vs carbs. I started eating a green apple a day with 32g of peanut butter, and I have averaged 3.2lb per week for the last 6. And that was after hitting a plateau after losing 51lbs. Just try it for a week, even if you alternate between 1250-1400 calories a day, but not eating the exercise ones. Good luck!
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Are you seeing changes in your measurements?

    A couple weeks back, I stepped on the scale and noticed that I had actually *gained* three pounds since my last weigh-in. I might have been concerned if I hadn't gone out shopping that same day and purchased a size lower in pants than I have ever worn in my adult life. Sometimes weight isn't the be-all and end-all-- it is how you look and how you feel. Your body may be becoming stronger and firmer even if the weight ticker isn't moving.

    HEALTH is more important than the number on the scale-- stick with the weight training, eat your exercise calories back, and don't drop under 1200 net per day. People are right-- you may actually need to eat *more*. If you're set at 2 lbs a week, try setting your goal to 1 lb a week instead. That'll give you a few more calories to work with, and your body may respond better to a little bit more fuel.
  • Tronkind
    Tronkind Posts: 4 Member
    sorry but this is bad advice
  • Tronkind
    Tronkind Posts: 4 Member
    Ladies and Gents...

    there seems to be a diverse spectrum of opinions on the best course of action in this case. While it be in one instance that increasing calories was effective for one person and reducing calories for another was effective please be aware that the majority of what is said on forums is based on anecdotal tales.

    It is far more beneficial to take an individual approach as far as possible to find the best thing that will work for each individual. Will all red-headed women look great in a green satin maxi-dress? well obviously that depends. And so it is in this case. Will eating more calories make you lose weight? will eating less calories make you lose weight? again this depends.

    Our Bodies are hugely complex organisms and our lives and environments just as complex. While our physiology as humans may be similar our environments and genetics will differ signifcantly. Whenever possible try not to base your plans on hearsay, magazine articles, or fads. But aim to seek advice that is based on evidence as in what has been clinically proven to work.

    If anyone is really struggling and would like some honest, objective and individual support please message me with no cost or obligation and i will try to help or certainly point you in the right direction

    In the mean time please be careful what you post as for some people this may represent the gospel truth and could have a negative impact for this individual.

  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Wow that's a really long post for not actually saying anything at all.
  • I'm guessing 1200 is too low for you at this stage of your weight loss. I upped mine to 1300 a few weeks ago after I stalled for more than 3 weeks. I started losing again.
  • ok guys, i started april 25th with 500-600 cals a day, i lost 9 pounds, then in june started with 30day shred went down a few pounds, then july added 6 week abs and shred mixed each day still eating 600 cals and now iam bearly losing anything, i have lost a total of 15 to date but, this seems wrong it should be way more. also i added the elliptical each day starting in august along with the 6week abs for a total of 50mins of exercise per day for 6 days. Iam not losing a pound HELP
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    You aren't eating enough and your body is holding on to what it has. Up your calories.
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