I'm supposed to eat the calories I burn each day??



  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46

    As for whether you'll keep losing, I read that when competing Michael Phelps would eat 12000 calories a day and STILL had trouble maintaining his weight because of what he burned off.


    THAT is an insane diet. It makes me sick to just read it!! ONLY a man could put away that many sandwiches in one sitting and have room for MORE in the same meal.
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    There has been so much discussion on this topic but the majority of the information I've read is that yes you should eat them back. But most people I've read opinions from have found that eating only 50-75% back is more accurate because MFP exercise calculator isn't always correct. I find that if I eat back almost half it works for me. I can't make myself eat if I'm not hungry, it just makes me feel really sick. So I try to drink a protien shake after working out. It has high calories, but lots of protien.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    It's because it's keeping you in a calorie deficit range to lose x per week (1-2 lbs). So if you exercize and burn more calories, your intake will go up to keep the deficit the same.

    There are limits to how many calories you want to 'eat back', IMO. I'm not a doctor, so obviously this should not be considered medical advice. But to me, it seems stupid to eat just for the sake of eating. I'm running 5 miles a day, 7 days a week, and wear a monitor 23/7...so I know pretty much exactly how many calories I'm burning a day (between 3500-4200). I'm eating between 1500-2200 calories a day and no more simply because I'm not hungry enough to eat any more (if I was, I'd eat more)...and my weight is going down like clockwork (3ppw avg) along with my bloodwork.

    So yeah, I'd say eating them back within reason is a good idea....but there is a limit to it depending upon how many calories you are talking about.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member

    WOW ... just a big old YES?
    Wow, that's ...

    How about now? :bigsmile:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member

    WOW ... just a big old YES?
    Wow, that's ...

    How about now? :bigsmile:

    Still confused?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm trying to grasp this. LOL. OK! So If I workout out and burn 1000 calories today doing it (I'm an instructor and am teaching two classes today). And my calorie goal is 1220...then I have to eat 2220 calories to be net? What happens if I end up with a massive deficit?
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm trying to grasp this. LOL. OK! So If I workout out and burn 1000 calories today doing it (I'm an instructor and am teaching two classes today). And my calorie goal is 1220...then I have to eat 2220 calories to be net? What happens if I end up with a massive deficit?

    Creating a massive deficit each day compounds over time and your metabolism suffers in the end. Never mind the absurdity of the most blasphemed and bastardized term of "starvation mode" that is used more loosely in the forums than a $2 hooker... I speak from experience when I say your metabolism will slow down and you will no longer burn calories effectively, and though you may be losing weight, there will be a slowing of it and eventually a stall. Creating close to nothing of net calories a day will start eating away at your body. Muscles and all. You don't have to believe me, but if you try it for yourself, you'll find out the hard way. So to prevent that I advise you now, just eat them.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thank you for responding! I have been at a stand still for over a year. I started with cutting the calories/working out and lost almost 40 pounds. I just have 10-15 to go , and I'm now an instructor so I teach a minimum of 8 classes a week. I kept my eating the same, but now workout 90 minutes to two hours 5-6 days a week. Should I experience a gain at first? I haven't even taught Body Pump yet today and it says I have over 1300 calories to go...so after class...I'll have about a 1700 calories deficit before dinner. LOL! If I eat a healthy dinner there is no way I could eat that many. Is there a healthy way I can ramp this up? Thanks!
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you for responding! I have been at a stand still for over a year. I started with cutting the calories/working out and lost almost 40 pounds. I just have 10-15 to go , and I'm now an instructor so I teach a minimum of 8 classes a week. I kept my eating the same, but now workout 90 minutes to two hours 5-6 days a week. Should I experience a gain at first? I haven't even taught Body Pump yet today and it says I have over 1300 calories to go...so after class...I'll have about a 1700 calories deficit before dinner. LOL! If I eat a healthy dinner there is no way I could eat that many. Is there a healthy way I can ramp this up? Thanks!

    I would suggest ramping your calories up slowly (like 100-200 cal/day each week). There might be a little bit of a gain, but it will fall off pretty quick once your body adjusts. With as much as you are exercising, you probably won't see much of a gain at all. Being so close to goal is also going to slow you down some. From what I've heard the idea is to readjust your goals to like .5 lb/week, and focus on body composition/%fat. Good luck!