Need Help!!!

Jerzeeblondie Posts: 236
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I am finding it extremely hard to stay on track and lose weight lately. I think it's this time of year.. weather is nicer and I attend a lot of events, which means more temptation. But I am at my lowest point, I just really have no self-confidence anymore and it's affecting everything in my life. I know that losing weight is the answer to changing this because my weight is the whole reason I feel this way. On a nice day I used to have no problem going to the local park to walk, but now it is like I am too afraid of running into someone I know and they will see how fat I have gotten. I want to be able to enjoy the nice weather and not be afraid to go places and try new things.

None of my friends are willing to do this with me and I know it's a journey I have to do on my own. But it's difficult without the helpful support of friends and family... no one to check in on my progress, no one to push me each day... just need some support and motivation from mfp friends who are also struggling!


  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I got your back add me
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    Mfp is great for support,,,we are all on this for the same reason,,so there is no finger pointing or judging....I have been on here for 3 months and the support is amazing..Feel free to add me if you like,,I comment and check in with my Mfp buddies daily.....Good luck on your journey to a healthier you....You can do this...
  • auri77
    auri77 Posts: 39
    i can relate a lil to what ur saying... all my friends are thinner than me therefore they dont see the point of doing anything... so I decided to do this on my own.. cause in the end your all you got!! its your health not anyone elses.. i know that its alot easier with the support but sometimes you can only can count on yourself.. maybe we can help eachother :) thats what this is for anyway ;)
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    Welcome!! You are definately in the right place for support and motivation...feel free to add me :smile:
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    Add me as a friend if you would like. I will be as supportive as possible.
  • Vkoons3
    Vkoons3 Posts: 122 Member
    This sight helps so much with the support and can add me we can support each other
  • iMari42
    iMari42 Posts: 1
    We all face low points. I'm just getting started again after been off it for a couple of months. You can do this just focus on your ultimate goal. We'll be your support system, add me on if you like :smile:
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi you can add me for support and I'll do my best to push you through!!!
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Aww hunny, it'll be ok. Were all here to support eachother! Add me if you want! The support on here is amazing!
  • i know how it feels not to want to go anywhere because your feeling self-conscious. it sucks to say the least. but, you have to make the decision to commit to being healthy and the rest will fall into place. I'm struggling right now too and having a hard time staying on track. Today is the first day I've logged on in a few months! I try to think of how good I feel when I've lost weight to keep me going. No food tastes as good as skinny feels. Your weight does not define you or who you are. Take one day at a time, heck-one bite at time! If I know I'm going to a BBQ later in the day, I'll try to make sure I get my fruit and vegetables in earlier in the day so that it won't be so bad if I splurge. Keep your chin up!
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    Your words could be my words right now - you are soooo not alone. I've managed fine for 2 months or so, but all of a sudden it was like I'd been hit by a train. I felt tired, sad, grumpy and totally pre-occupied with food all day long, and it came suddenly out of the blue. It's a real shame, because my diet was going so well, and I'm not a million miles away from my goal weight. But the fear of putting it all back on again is stressing me out big time.

    How am I coping with it? Well, I'm just trying to not let it get to me, and forget about the diet for a couple of days until the weather picks up again. I'm hoping this will ease my mind, and get me back into a positive mindset again, as well as boosting my metabolism again. I've read a lot online and apparently this experience is completely normal. But it does pass. And that's what I'm trying to focus my mind on, and what you should too. Just write "today/right now" off as a bad day, and start afresh as soon as you feel able.
  • aliakat
    aliakat Posts: 16
    Please remember: people are attracted to who you are -- not what you look like. Those who are naive enough to judge you only on your looks are not worth maintaining a friendship nor acquaintance with. Be proud of your accomplishments, your fun personality, and your favorite thing about yourself. When you feel discouraged, discriminated against or judged; remember those things and stand tall and confident!!
    Don't worry about running into people -- if you radiate confidence and happiness, people will be drawn to you and wonder what you have that makes you love life :D Once you start loving things about yourself, and the life you have, you will love yourself (physically) more. That love is what will also help motivate you to seek the best for yourself physically.
    Be confident, feel sexy, and love the little things about yourself!! :D
    ps... if it helps, every day - think of something you like about yourself (great hair, awesome style, work ethic, friendliness, excellent skill: writing, computer skills, fishing, sewing, etc) -- write it down in a journal or on a post-it. If you use a journal, go back and read those things whenever you feel depressed; if you use post-its, place them around your house so they are always in view.
    Good luck!! :D
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Jerzeeblondie Posts: 236
    thanks for all of the support! It was definitely needed and appreciated! I'm hoping this negative outlook and struggle with weight loss/healthy eatting will change soon. I want to commit to a new lifestyle and keep imagining what it will feel like when I reach my goal... it's just so hard getting there right now.
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