Hi! Just started my journey. Looking for friends and motivation ;)

farlicious Posts: 28 Member
I have 100-120 pounds to lose. I could use some support :smile:


  • gregsrappel
    gregsrappel Posts: 7 Member
    You can do it. Watching what you eat is important. Cut your calorie intake and do lots of cardio
  • farlicious
    farlicious Posts: 28 Member
    Somebody answered!!!
  • farlicious
    farlicious Posts: 28 Member
    I took a light walk this morning! Thank you!!
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    I have about 70 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me! It helps me to be accountable to MFP friends. :smile:
  • Physiobody
    Physiobody Posts: 19 Member
    It doesn't have to be difficult! Making slight adjustments to your daily intake and adding in a little more activity is a great place to start. I would suggest starting with some light walking and ease into things. Making too many adjustments or drastic changes all at once will make sticking to the plan far more difficult.

    Feel free to ask any questions this is a good community for support!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Welcome and good luck. My quick advice to you is to fill out your profile and share a few photos. For me, it helps to become more invested in a person (and thus a better friend and supporter) if I feel like I know them. :smile: Either way...again...welcome and good luck! You can do it. :smile:
  • 4mic2
    4mic2 Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • sherribradley34
    sherribradley34 Posts: 13 Member
    ADD ME!
  • listens2books
    listens2books Posts: 12 Member
    Having the support of others in MFPland is a big help. it comes down to lots of small choices adding up- do I take a 10 minute walk or don't I?; do I eat something I shouldn't now- or do I wait an hour to see if I still want it? I have found that by waiting an hour, I often forget about it or realize I don't want it now. I picked up the same lf granola bar yesterday three times- but never did eat it! Feel free to add me.
  • farlicious
    farlicious Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you everybody!! Your advice is very well received. I want to make a lifestyle change and I know it is not going to be easy. So I'm adding all of you!! :smiley:
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    Been there, with serious health issues, and lost over 100 pounds. What worked for me is...eating less and moving more. Yep, that's my big secret! Seriously, stay away from the fads and gimmick diets. Just be honest about what you log for food and exercise, and get moving! Small steps start to add up after a while. :smile:
  • rhondaiscute02
    rhondaiscute02 Posts: 3 Member
    I just found out I have diabetes and Dr put me on a pill I don't what to eat and how much when etc. Maybe you we can do this together I need to lose 10lbs in next 4 months... (Maybe get back off pill) may u can teach me about this app too add me k
  • farlicious
    farlicious Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you guys! Already sent you requests :smiley:
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    The start is the hardest part, but keep going
  • farlicious
    farlicious Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks! I will ;)
  • xquisiteluv
    xquisiteluv Posts: 82 Member
    SW 250
    CW 212
    GW 150
    want to lose about 50 60lbs myself looking for motivation and friends feel free to add me my name is Luekisha I'm from NJ btw...With the support and encouragement from others we all can do this!! Stay blessed everyone! :)