JM Slimdown challenge



  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    This sounds great - I love all these videos and would totally join, but I'm currently doing Turbo Fire. I did do Banish Fat Boost Metabolism last night because it was an off day, and it still kicks my butt! Good luck everyone! I'll catch you next time
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    OK, Day 4 was supposed to be the shred but i have a bunch of company comping to town tonight & i knew i wouldn't have time or space to do Boost Metabolism tomorrow so i did it today & am planning on doing the shred tomorrow....

    OK so i just finished Boost Metabolism....& i seriously feel like i want to die!!! OMG, it was tuff!!!!
    Every day this week i have done the slim down challenge & then straight into my C25K...uuummm not today...i think we will fit that one in a little bit later....

    It is a long weekend for us here in Canada & I will be camping this weekend & not able to do the videos... but i am going to make note of the exercises in the shred level & just do them out there... I'm not copping out!! I'll do the shred, my C25K & also i have a TRX so i will be working out on that as well.
    I will be back on track tuesday... & will make up the missed workouts next week!!

    I'll try & check in on here tomorrow, but if not... HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!! :)

    Oh geeze...if the Boost makes you want to die...I'm really dreading it! I've been doing Level 2 instead of Level 1 like the schedule says because I was already doing the 30DS and was on Level 2. But tomorrow definitely doing just Level 1, since I'm in clincials all day I don't want to be too sore...still have to move patients, etc, around.

    have a great time camping!
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 4-30 DS Level 1....My legs are definitely sore, but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I haven't done Boost in a few weeks and I really am not looking forward to it especially being as sore as I am. It's going to be tough and I can foresee heading to work with my face still red in the morning.

    Have fun camping Parvati!!
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 5/Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism--Boost was just as exhausting as I remembered it, but I made it all the way through. I have always hated circuit 6 and found I still feel the same way. However, I feel fantastic today! It's like I can feel my body burning calories thoughout the entire day. Love this feeling!
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Skipped yesterday while I was trying to clean house for company, but did yesterday's workout today instead. NMTZ was much better today than a few days ago and I've already begun to lose some inches and I lost 5 lbs this week. So excited!
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    Starting today I'm back on track. I've been adding a few more day offs, mainly because I have a bad knee and I don't want to aggravate it too much. Today is NMTZ, and while I'm dreading it, I'm also looking forward to it.

    I don't like BFBM, at all. But I will continue to do it....
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    Can I join the challenge?
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    Finished NMTZ, wasn't as bad as it was last time. Surrenders, or whatever it is called, kill me though. I'm definitely getting stronger, a lot of the moves aren't as hard for me. I still have to take a break on the arms during lunges, etc because my chest muscles are still a lot weaker than they used to be due to surgery, and I've been told to take it easy on them. But my butt and hamstrings are definitely a lot firmer and seeing more muscle. I never had too much of an issue with my quads, but they're looking pretty nice, too. I might back off of those exercises however, because I work those a lot during riding and I don't want them to get too big.

    I'm enjoying this challenge, and I will be incorporating these videos into my normal workout routine once this month is over.
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 8-30 DS Level 1--This seemed so easy today compared to yesterdays NMTZ. When I first started Banish Fat over a year ago, it was killer on my knees so I made some minor modifications to some of the jumping moves (no twisting) to ease the stress. Now that I've been doing 30 DS and NMTZ I find that I don't need to modify anymore. I guess my knees just weren't strong enough. Really enjoying this challenge.
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    @Reeldancer--come on in--the more the merrier!
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Can I join the challenge?

    of course!! :)
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Day 4-30 DS Level 1....My legs are definitely sore, but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I haven't done Boost in a few weeks and I really am not looking forward to it especially being as sore as I am. It's going to be tough and I can foresee heading to work with my face still red in the morning.

    Have fun camping Parvati!!

    Glad it wasn't as bad as you thought...that is your body getting stronger!!!I hope your weekend was good!!

    Camping was kinda crummy.... :(
    I was horribly sick with the flu, so were all 3 of my kids... & to top it off it rained most of the weekend... SIGH!!!
    I'm still feeling quite awful, thank goodness it is only the shred today!!!
    OK, heading down to do day 8!
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I never had too much of an issue with my quads, but they're looking pretty nice, too. I might back off of those exercises however, because I work those a lot during riding and I don't want them to get too big.

    These are absolutely the best exercises that you can do & not have them get too big! using your own body weight instead of adding weights keeps your muscles long & lean. What you are seeing is definition & isolation of the muscles... I would not back off of these exercises.... :)
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I didn't think I'd ever be happy to see Level 1 of the 30DS again! haha I wasn't too sore from NMTZ, but I was also feeling relatively lazy as well. So I did that, then I carted my happy butt to the gym and did an hour of interval training on the elliptical.

    I'm going to keep doing the squats and lunges, and not worry about my quads. thanks :) And I hope you feel better! :(
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    Day 5/Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism--Boost was just as exhausting as I remembered it, but I made it all the way through. I have always hated circuit 6 and found I still feel the same way. However, I feel fantastic today! It's like I can feel my body burning calories thoughout the entire day. Love this feeling!

    I hate circuit 6 also!!! Have you noticed that the music changes and it sounds like the Halloween (Michael Myers) music....
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 5/Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism--Boost was just as exhausting as I remembered it, but I made it all the way through. I have always hated circuit 6 and found I still feel the same way. However, I feel fantastic today! It's like I can feel my body burning calories thoughout the entire day. Love this feeling!

    I hate circuit 6 also!!! Have you noticed that the music changes and it sounds like the Halloween (Michael Myers) music....

    I haven't noticed, but I will pay more attention come Friday....maybe that's why it's so daunting. ;)
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 9-Level 2...It really sucked today. I was doing level 3 before i started the challenge and Level 1 was getting easy, but today Level 2 kicked my rear. I thought my knees were getting stronger and that's why I wasn't having much pain with them, but they have been killing me all day. Hopefully they are just sore. I wouldn't have thought it, but I'm actually looking forward to NMTZ in the morning. Food wise, the day was a bust. Going away party at work for a coworker put a major kink in my calories today. Start fresh in the morning.
  • shazzabir
    shazzabir Posts: 42 Member
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I didn't think I'd ever be happy to see Level 1 of the 30DS again! haha I wasn't too sore from NMTZ, but I was also feeling relatively lazy as well. So I did that, then I carted my happy butt to the gym and did an hour of interval training on the elliptical.

    I'm going to keep doing the squats and lunges, and not worry about my quads. thanks :) And I hope you feel better! :(

    Isn't that funny, how we look forward to the "easy" 30 day shred now... hahaha
    I'm glad that you are going to keep doing the squats & will be happy with the end results!! They won't build you up, but you will get all the nice cut lines in your legs!!! :)
    Thanks-you, i am feeling better today!!
  • missmomma77
    missmomma77 Posts: 42
    The challenge looks great! I will have to do it after 30d shred