Hi there!

Hi I'm new and looking for some moral support :) feeling motivated at the moment, but would love some support to keep going when my newbie buzz goes.
Let me know any tips you've found on this app so far ☺️


  • onewileydog
    onewileydog Posts: 2 Member
    This is the biggest tip:
    Log EVERYTHING. And I mean everything. I knew how much ketchup I ate over the year I was on this site and I lost 30 pounds. Am back on again 2 years later because I put 10 pounds back on during this rough NY winter and have lost 6 pounds of those 10 in the last 5 weeks. It is easy to cheat, but don't do it. Log the cracker you snapped up at dinner last night, and the bread. Olive oil is great for you but high in calories. Butter is actually lower and tastes great. Eat as much protein as you can for breakfast to hold you over to lunch. My breakfast and lunch usually total under 600 calories. A 4oz. homemade meatloaf sandwich on a Trader Joe's Ciabatta roll is under 300 calories and will fill you until dinner. Unsweetened iced tea (you will get used to it and actually like it), or diet soda to drink.
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    edited May 2015
    Stay on your feet, pace around the living room whilst watching TV, park further away from the supermarket/work, talk the long way round etc, every little helps

    Started walking to the supermarket instead of driving, when the weather is good, we walk to the supermarket further away
  • GemmaLouise419
    GemmaLouise419 Posts: 6 Member
    Great!! Thank you.
    I guess so much of this is being honest with yourself.
    I'm in the uk so unfortunately your meatloaf suggestion is a little beyond my expertise at the moment! But I really like the idea of more protein for breakfast.
    Well done for loosing much of those 10 pounds again. Keep going :)
  • GemmaLouise419
    GemmaLouise419 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you wytey, great idea of moving around the lounge watching tv. I kidd myself that ironing and watching the tv works, but pacing would be so much better! :)
  • denia351
    denia351 Posts: 5 Member
    I second, onewileydog. LOG EVERYTHING. Every time I have wanted to lose weight I have used My Fitness Pal and it works as long as you are honest with yourself and get moving. Also, building activity into your day is key. Biking or walking to work or to run errands is an easy way to do it. If it's too far, you can bike/walk part of it and build up over time. Think small baby steps. You can do it!
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Gemma, feel free to add me. I also agree with logging everything. My cups of coffee add up some days, especially if I add milk instead of taking it with only Splenda. It's a wake up call for sure! I'm horrible with exercise however use a FitBit pedometer which encourages me to take extra steps. Great to meet you!
  • GemmaLouise419
    GemmaLouise419 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both :)
    I've orderd a jawbone up for it's pedometer and it measures how much sleep you get apparently too. Can't wait to see what that says.

    I like the idea of building up bit by bit. I've have a hip injury so have to be really careful with the exercise which is why I put so much on I think.

    Thanks for all your advice guys x