KayLeigh6710 Posts: 41
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Good Morning Everyone,

So I am not counting calories anymore but trying to do Weight Watchers instead. All this dieting stuff is really hard for because at my age and time in my life I am ALWAYS running around doing this, that, or the other thing and have so little time actually at home other than to sleep. I am dating someone and we are most often at his house (we both live with our parents). We work in the same place and when we are done with work we are both exhausted and just want to relax with each other.

I need some suggestions on how to motivate myself to get into the gym, and what kind of routine to do. I don't want to try to do classes because then I have to try to get to the gym by a certain time and thats also hard for me.

If you have any ideas at all please let me know!


  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    The only thing that works for me is working out first thing, as soon as I get up. There is no way I'd have the motivation to go to the gym or work out in the evening after working all day. I just couldn't do it. For me, it's set my alarm early, get on my work clothes and sneakers, brush my teeth and go work out. It works for me.

    Good luck!
  • angyb424
    angyb424 Posts: 1
    Go to the gym right after work, instead of going home.
    Go bike riding together.
    Summer's coming... go swimming!
    Any kind of movement/exercise is better than none :)
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    My husband and I work opposite shifts, so we rarely get to see eachother. We go for walks with our daughter whenever we can- it's relaxing, we get to spend time as a family, and even if it's not a fast walk, we are getting more of a workout than if we were sitting and watching tv. Walking is great cardio and it gives you time to talk to each other without distractions of the everyday.
  • LcCzapes22
    LcCzapes22 Posts: 8
    You can always try (key word!) to get him to join the gym with you..then you would have someone to go with which could also help motivate to get you there more often. I know you said you dont like going at certain times..but i have a block schedule calendar that i plan out for each day..like the times i work..and apts..grocery shopping etc..and i see when i can fit going to the gym in. If i cant get there i try to do a work out video on demand.. jillian michaels 30 day shred is only 20 minutes and a great workout.

    good luck!!
  • Deebs34
    Deebs34 Posts: 1
    I live with my boyfriend and we both work, so I understand how hard it is to get motivated to work out after working all day. We were in a work out slump a few months ago, but what I've found works best is to motivate each other. There are times when he would say he's going running and I didn't want to, but I felt really guilty staying at home while he was working out, so that would motivate me to get up and get moving wtih him. I've learned that every bit of exercise matters. If we don't feel like running or doing an intense work out, we will go for a long walk around the neighborhood instead, making sure to go up and down hills so we're getting as good of a workout as possible but still spending quality time together So remember, something is better than nothing. I read the other response about working out in the morning and I agree, working out in the morning is a great way to get it over with, but personally, it is very easy for me to hit the snooze button and remind myself I don't really HAVE to get up if I don't want to. I love working out in the morning on the weekends though. Hope this helps!! :-)
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    Honestly, I know this may not be what you're looking for, but you should definitely make a schedule. Map out every hour with what you HAVE to do. Make time for exercising.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    I need some suggestions on how to motivate myself to get into the gym, and what kind of routine to do.

    I can't help you with the motivation part. That has to come from within. For the "routine" part though, I recommend buying one of the books below. If you follow the routines and nutrition advice it will change your body in ways that you'll love.

    The New Rules of Lifting for Women


    The New Rules of Lifting for Abs

    Both written by Schuler & Cosgrove and both available cheap on Amazon.
  • You can always try (key word!) to get him to join the gym with you..then you would have someone to go with which could also help motivate to get you there more often. I know you said you dont like going at certain times..but i have a block schedule calendar that i plan out for each day..like the times i work..and apts..grocery shopping etc..and i see when i can fit going to the gym in. If i cant get there i try to do a work out video on demand.. jillian michaels 30 day shred is only 20 minutes and a great workout.

    good luck!!

    Oh yes, I failed to mention... WE BOTH HAVE THE GYM MEMBERSHIP. We are literally busy every weekend in June. And what about dinner. Am I supposed to eat after the gym? Try to make it until 8 pm for dinner when I eat lunch at 11:30:? Yikes!
  • crazybigchick
    crazybigchick Posts: 245
    I understand being busy, but you just can not let it be an excuse.
    Working out has to be a priority.
    I work full-time, am a full-time law student, and I have four children under the age of 8.
    Working out is my 'me' time. It is how I stay centered. If I go too long without working out I get grumpy and irritable.

    Maybe you and your b/f could workout together. Even just long walks holding hands and sharing the events of your day is something.

    Also at my gym we have to sign up for spinning. I hate to be that person who reserves a bike then doesn't show up, so signing up for it really makes me go even when I really don't want to. Just attending the classes in general helps make me work out. It is just nice to have someone else tell you what you are supposed to be doing instead of doing it yourself.

    Also, I don't know if is true for everyone, but working out actually improves my energy level.

    Good Luck!
    Hope I was of some help!
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I need some suggestions on how to motivate myself to get into the gym, and what kind of routine to do. I don't want to try to do classes because then I have to try to get to the gym by a certain time and thats also hard for me.

    If you have any ideas at all please let me know!

    The only thing that works for me is picking a plan and going with it.

    I absolutely hated going out and walking/jogging every day after work for the first couple of weeks....but I made a conscious decision to do it, so I MADE myself do it. After a week and a half, it was routine. Now, 4 months later, heck...I'm out running and halfway done before I even really notice I'm doing it.

    So, from my experience, what you are doing is less important than developing the personal commitment to doing it.

    So decide what you want to do and when you want to do it. You can decide to join a gym and lift weights, ya a half hour walk after you get home, you can get up early and swim laps in the pool...or any combination of any 'fitness' activity you want. But if you dont actually make the commitment do doing it, and stick with it, what you choose won't matter. You have to make it a priority over and above damn near everything else. I treat my exercise no differently than I treat going to work: absent some type of significant emergency, it's going to get done come hell or high water.
  • fitboricua
    fitboricua Posts: 40 Member
    This is what I do. I excercise first thing in the morning because if I dont I wont get it done after work. Also I workout at home using Beachbody programs (P90, P90X, Turbo Jam, Insnaity, etc). I dont go to a gym beacuse I don't have the time...but I managed to loose 20 pounds at home with the programs I mentioned.

    Working out is something you do for yourself and most of the time others (meaning love ones) follow by example. So if you wnat to get your boyfirend involves start your journey and he will probably will be inspire by you.

    If you need more help message cynthia.coreano@gmail.com:smile:
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