
My calories are set to lose 1/2 a week , and i'm thinking of going on Maintenance caloris for a month as my weight is not moving, i have been doing this for 2 years and i think my body needs a rest.. i only have 10-15 to go and i know i can't eat less..
just not sure what to do :sad:

i started my journey in 2009 at 189lb at my lowest i got down t 149 ( currant weight 1590 ) i started exercising twice Body pump) a week 8 months ago ( i usualy eat back my exersie calories) just frustrated .. sorry to vent but it had to be done!I
By the way i'm 50 & 5' 4"


  • TamiLinc
    TamiLinc Posts: 70 Member
    I was personally was told not to eat any of my burnt calories, maybe you could start by only eating 1/2 of them and see what happens?
  • mrssparkle
    mrssparkle Posts: 47
    I try not to eat my exercise calories, I know people say you should but if I did not only would I not lose any weight I would probably gain it., like recently. My metabolism is so sluggish I find it hard even to loose weight on 1200 cals and it does get so frustrating so I sympathise. Have you tried going on a high protein diet? When I started deiting I did the Dukan diet for about 3 weeks and that was when I lost weight. Very strict though but perhaps if you the attack part for a week it may give your system a jolt. I am going to do it this week, see if can make a difference.
  • L4iney
    L4iney Posts: 6
    If I didn't eat back my exercise calories - I'd be living on fresh air (i.e. minus calories) I'm training every day for at least 90 minutes +
    Have you had body composition done lately?
    I don't lose a lot of weight but I have reduced fat levels and incresed lean tissue, get the test done, it's a lot less frustrating when you get the confirmation that a lot of other good stuff is going on with your body, after all MFP is not just about weight loss, it's about healthy choices too, re-training the mind to eat better, encouraging the body to move more.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do...
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    If I didn't eat back my exercise calories - I'd be living on fresh air (i.e. minus calories) I'm training every day for at least 90 minutes +
    Have you had body composition done lately?
    I don't lose a lot of weight but I have reduced fat levels and incresed lean tissue, get the test done, it's a lot less frustrating when you get the confirmation that a lot of other good stuff is going on with your body, after all MFP is not just about weight loss, it's about healthy choices too, re-training the mind to eat better, encouraging the body to move more.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do...

    Me too! Thank you
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    As one of your friends I know that your diet is excellent and that you work out really I'm with you on the eating your calories back...its ok for anyone considered 'obese' not to eat them back, but not somone with so little. Personally I think that you should now be looking at converting body fat to muscle ie reducing your body fat percentage, rather than looking at scale convert body fat to muscle is impossible on a large calorie to not eat calories back would be self it is the lean body matter (muscle) that your body would use for energy to fuel your workouts, lowering your metabolism...etc etc...a vicious downward spiral. Sadly also at 50 you are also fighting the age issue where it becomes harder to maintain muscle.
    Therefore I think your idea of increasing your calories is a good one...rather than straight to maintenance though can I suggest adding 100 calories a day for a month..see how that works, then another 100...and so on until you reach maintenance....and rather than worry about scale weight use measuring....and checking body fat. You have done an awesome job so far...frustrating as it may will be health wise still making progress..don't let the scales get you down.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks Jilliy. I loved your reply :flowerforyou:
  • sing1998
    sing1998 Posts: 38 Member
    when you're "burnt out" you DO need to take a break! maybe pack the scale away and go by appearance, feel and measure yourself. you're in this for a lifestyle change so look for what is doable over the long haul. calorie reduction is not healthy long term! i have a dress that is fitted and when i put it on and it's tight i know it's time to cut back. sometimes the scale is a liar! i can go up or down 3lbs overnight and i know that's not accurate, just a fluctuation of water. chin up and this IS the site for whining, venting or bragging! :)
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    i was reading something on dr. oz yesterday and it said if you hit a plateau bump up your exercise, even if it's just 5 extra minutes. your body gets used to exercise and it doesn't take as much energy to complete it. so try switching it up or adding a little extra to your workout.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member

    Thank you a very intresting read!:smile: