
I -need- accountability. Most all of my RL friends don't use mfp anymore, so if anyone wants to add me as a friend, that would be fantastic.

I lost 20lbs before the holidays, and I have gained it all back due to lAck of focus. I need to really get back in the game!


  • chrisdell21
    chrisdell21 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I'd love to help if I can.
  • humanbean
    humanbean Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the request - let's do this!
  • breanne1999
    breanne1999 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah I have a huge issue with binging on sugar and need some help with accountability... I'm new to the forums though. Did I friend you bc I'm trying too! Lol!
  • breanne1999
    breanne1999 Posts: 6 Member
    Also it looks like your a new mom too.. I just had a baby in March and I'm breastfeeding. I turn to sugar as a quick energy boost... But obviously it's not good for either of us.:(
  • humanbean
    humanbean Posts: 23 Member
    Brianne, yes I rarely use the boards and have only had real life friends on here so this is new to me, too, in that sense.

    My baby is now a toddler - 17mos! We are still breastfeeding though (for nap/bedtime) so I'm still need to be extra careful of my intake. I also have a three year old so I do have nearly back to back pregnancy weight.

    Basically, I'm losing weight in phases:

    Phase one: the 20lbs I lost last year and gained back (grrrrr).

    20lbs from my divorce years ago

    10lbs for bonus!