Looking for MFP friends to inspire and be inspired by.. Add me!

Hey y'all..
Add me so we can reach our goals together this summer!
I am 5'5'', 25 years old and use to be an athlete until I was injured and gained ALOT of weight.
Starting weight 210 lbs, goal weight 135 lbs [GOAL - lose 75 lbs!!!].
Currently at 196.8 lbs and dropping fast :)


  • benageloc
    benageloc Posts: 2 Member
    hey how do I add u?
  • casscass78
    casscass78 Posts: 25 Member
    BENAGELOC just go to her profile and at the top it should say add friend
  • MsTiff1981
    MsTiff1981 Posts: 214 Member
    Hi Welcome,
    I have lost 13 lbs with MFP and 27 lbs total so far. Good luck with your journey and I added you.
  • autodominio
    autodominio Posts: 55 Member
    You can do it!
    Anyone feel welcome to add me if you want. I'm here everyday and I'm very supportive I just ask for you to return the favor ;)
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    Hey there, I just added you :) I'm 28, also 5'5 and started out at ~185, now I'm 127 and focusing on toning up right now ^^
  • billiej97
    billiej97 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey, I'm new to MFP. I'm 17 and 5'5" and i have pretty similar goals as you. I weigh 189lb at the moment and I want to get down to 133lb.
  • nickswifey09
    nickswifey09 Posts: 46 Member
    I started at 228 and now I am 206! I am looking to drop about 40 if not more! Feel free to add me!