Pre Travel Lose Weight Goal!

miarose24 Posts: 13 Member
I am going to study abroad soon. I will begin my travels at the end of July and I am hoping to lose 20 pounds by the 29th of July. This task seems incredibly daunting. I have been steady at 140 and I would like to weigh 120. I have never weighed this. I am 21 years old so I find that now is the time of my life when I should be looking my best! I also want to look nice in all my travel photos. Lately, I haven't been feeling good about my weight and I have gained some since working a desk job and I can see it in my face. I just want to have more energy and wear tank tops! I am tired of not being able to wear a tank top and feel sexy! I live in Texas for crying out loud! Please post any tips or inspiration for this two month journey I am going to embark on. I have issues keeping promises to myself, but I want to make small changes everyday to instill a healthy habit.


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Since you're already a reasonable weight, try setting your goal weight a little higher. Maybe try for 125 pounds and see how you feel when you get there? Just focus on calorie deficit, make sure you include weights and resistance training your workout, and try to eat a balanced diet so you feel healthy, too. Oh, and DON'T starve yourself. It just leads to binge eating or misery.
  • miarose24
    miarose24 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the reply! Great advice:)
  • LegendOfBlake
    LegendOfBlake Posts: 36 Member
    Second that, SoDamnHungry. Starving has been shown to actually make people gain all their weight back and more when they start eating again because your body is so depleted that it stores everything as fat. I'd also avoid crappy diets like juice diets, which are full of sugar and not much else.
  • miarose24
    miarose24 Posts: 13 Member
    edited May 2015
    My goal is to exercise more (yoga classes) and maintain my running. Also more salads at work and just a healthier more balanced diet! MORE VEGGIES
  • LegendOfBlake
    LegendOfBlake Posts: 36 Member
    More veggies is always a good goal! Have you checked out the couch to 5k running program? The program is really just a bunch of times that tell you how long to run and how long to walk but I've had a lot of success with it.
  • t_keesh
    t_keesh Posts: 13 Member
    Step by step you will reach your goal. Yoga classes and running will help you a lot. Don't forget about healthy diet. I'm sure you can do it. And I agree with the guys. Starving never helps. Just healthy, balanced diet. Good luck!!
  • miarose24
    miarose24 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! Yeah the diet is the big issue, eating late at night is my weakness. I love pastries, pizza, cheeseburgers etc.