Raw Till 4?

I am new here and have just recently heard about raw till 4 eating program while looking for an info about vegan diet. Anyone here has any experience with it? I am looking into cleaning my diet and was thinking about trying it. However, it sounds like I would be eating way to much carbs and sugar. So a bit worried but also curious about it at the same time. Thanks.


  • Hey I found out more about that diet yesterday and I'm also thinking about trying it out, sounds pretty reasonable to me. I could never eat as much as Freelee eats though, so I'll probably be eating a lot less fruit. The carbs are quite high so in turn I'll be lowering my fats, a lot less nuts and avocado than I'm used to.
  • lyndsayfletch
    lyndsayfletch Posts: 26 Member
    I have recently started eating a much more plant based diet....I love the raw til 4 theory! I feel so much more satisfied when I eat mostly raw foods...I really believe it's because my body is getting the nutrients it needs...the weight is falling off and I'm feeling so good! My skin is amazing and my runs (training for a half marathon) are so much easier!! I'm slowly becoming more raw each day! I did find when I started I was very bloated with all the extra fibre but that's settling now with the right food combinations!! I just have so much energy and with my 2 kiddies under 5 I need it lol!! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm very keen to meet more people following this lifestyle! I'm not overly strict like sometimes I'll have quinoa for lunch but I figure that's healthy!! And I'll chuck a load of raw veggies in with it....gets me through my work days!! I'll also often have a bowl of oats before bed....I look forward to this!! But always feel satisfied and always have calories left over!! It was also my 30th birthday at the weekend so I had a piece of chocolate cake....I can tell u chocolate cake never tasted so good!! But I felt soooo tired after....made me wish I didn't have it!! Now I'm craving fruits and veggies!! Love it!!
  • anybodys_fruit
    anybodys_fruit Posts: 17 Member
    Yaaay!!! Raw till 4 is AMAZING!!! before I got pregnant I was doing a loose interpretation of it and never felt better in my life. Not only did I lose weight but I was more fit healthy AND more slender than when I has an eating disorder. I also used to hate running and never had energy to WO and I finally felt so great and clear minded that I started training for a half marathon. Feel free to add me if you like as I am just now returning to MFP after having my baby a few months ago. Feel free to private message me with any questions and I'll try to get back to you ASAP (which isn't always easy with a 4 month old!).
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    khofshi wrote: »
    Yaaay!!! Raw till 4 is AMAZING!!! before I got pregnant I was doing a loose interpretation of it and never felt better in my life. Not only did I lose weight but I was more fit healthy AND more slender than when I has an eating disorder. I also used to hate running and never had energy to WO and I finally felt so great and clear minded that I started training for a half marathon. Feel free to add me if you like as I am just now returning to MFP after having my baby a few months ago. Feel free to private message me with any questions and I'll try to get back to you ASAP (which isn't always easy with a 4 month old!).

    So you've cut-and-pasted this same exact thing on at least 4 threads regarding Raw Till 4...

    marubob wrote: »
    I am new here and have just recently heard about raw till 4 eating program while looking for an info about vegan diet. Anyone here has any experience with it? I am looking into cleaning my diet and was thinking about trying it. However, it sounds like I would be eating way to much carbs and sugar. So a bit worried but also curious about it at the same time. Thanks.

    OP, what is wrong with counting calories, making sure you have the appropriate amount of macro-nutrients and tracking food via MFP? Is there a medical reason as to why you would need to eliminate foods from your diet?
  • lyndsayfletch
    lyndsayfletch Posts: 26 Member
    Watch forks over knives then you will see plenty of reasons to eliminate certain things from the diet!