Hey Everyone

MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I decided to join this forum to get myself into a good routine. I was in very good shape about a year and a half ago.....then I stopped. :(

well I gained aout 25lbs and added 3 inches onto my waist. :(

I was doing so well, and then I let it get away from me.

It is time I get back to it. I know Diet and Exercise is the key, no magic potions, or gimics,

Free weights, cardio and eating healthy.

I work the night shift so my eating habits are terrible and so is my sleeping habits.

I can improve in both departments, I think it is time I did.

I would love to meet new friends who have goals of getting in better shape and good personalities.

Come say hi......


  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Hey there newbie. Welcome! Feel free to add me. I'm Ellie!
  • whitpsyd
    whitpsyd Posts: 13
    Exercise will definetely help both departments. Just a helpful note... it takes about four hours for your body to cool off after workingout and get ready for some really deep sleep. So, if you're working nights, don't try to work out right when you get off and go immediately to bed. It may not work... take a shower and wait about an hour or two before trying to go to bed.

    Good luck! Add me if you'd like.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    thanks for the warm welcome.

    I plan on coming home from work and sleeping, then when I get up and working out before I head to work for the night.

    The problem is really I need to eat better at work, I have a habit of not eating well, and drinking to much coffee.

    Step one, cut out the sugar and half/half... Splenda and fat free half and half....will start.

    I was going to work out last night, but it was my son's band conceret and that went longer then planned.

    I just need to break my bad habits and start learning new ones.

    Thanks for the advice and look forward to making new friends on here.

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