Breakfast idea's

lesder11 Posts: 1 Member
hey everyone!
Do you have any good healthy breakfast ideas, cause I really don't have much creativity for a healthy breakfast. And as you problably know breakfast is the most important meal of the day! :#:)


  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    It doesn't need to be. There's no jump start that occurs. Some people it helps keep them at a calorie deficit by starting with something; others like to save their calories for later in the day.

    However, some of my favorite breakfasts are:
    Waffles with pb and fruit
    Greek yogurt with blueberries or bananas added.
    1 whole egg, 2 egg whites scrambled with a little sharp cheddar cheese and salsa
    Cheerios and almond milk
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    lesder11 wrote: »
    hey everyone!
    Do you have any good healthy breakfast ideas, cause I really don't have much creativity for a healthy breakfast.

    What do you like?

    How many calories do you budget for breakfast?
    And as you problably know breakfast is the most important meal of the day! :#:)

    Not true as an absolute.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I like Greek yogurt with fruit, Fiber One and nuts added....protein, fiber, and a dose of healthy fat

    Oatmeal made with milk (for protein)....again add nuts or stir in peanut butter. This can be made crockpot or refrigerator oats

    Many people swear by eggs. You can make these ahead & freeze. Bake in a casserole dish & freeze portions for breakfast burritos our your own McMuffins (on a high fiber wrap, or English muffin).
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I currently don't really eat breakfast during the week. I'm just not hungry in the mornings so I usually have a half cup of whole milk with two shots of espresso. On the weekends I'll sometimes have waffles with peanut butter, a banana with peanut butter, a fried egg and cheese sandwich, or Greek yogurt with frozen raspberries and granola.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    What's your breakfast budget (calories)? I eat around 700-900 calories for breakfast. That's what it takes for me to feel full until lunch after I'm done with my morning training. Everyone is different. If you are a breakfast person, figure out what foods make you feel full longest.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Breakfast isn't my most important meal (lunch normally is for me) but I make sure I eat something in the am so I don't get all shaky/dizzy (possibly hypoglycemic?). I eat oatmeal, with psyllium husk and banana each am. Sometimes I have stirfried zukes, spinach, egg white, chicken, with raw tomato and red peppers with a touch of vinegar. I've been sticking to oatmeal because it kept me fuller longer than a bowl of cereal. (I can't eat wheat so no toast for me)
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    Most days I eat eggwhites with steel cut oats & fruit. When I'm in a hurry I make a shake with Almond milk, protein powder, dry oats and a banana. Keeps me full till lunch, both are about 300 calories!
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    I usually have eggs (fried, scrambled, boiled, poached etc) and a vegetarian sausage and toast. I'm too fuzzy headed to be creative in the morning!! I do try to get some good protein in tho because it seems to keep me nice and full :)
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    jddnw wrote: »

    Ignore the bit where they mention kippers, that's a whole separate breakfast and has no place in a fry up!! Also brown sauce is essential and no one ever has three fried eggs, just one or two :)

    Also we have what is known as the "drunken fry up" which is basically what it sounds like - just be careful not to burn yourself (or the food)!!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I love eggs in the morning, in a variety of ways including:

    - 2 egg omelette, sweetened with stevia, filled with berries and topped with a few slices of sauteed banana or apple & a little tinned coconut milk. (Gorgeous! - You can also sprinkle 1 tbsp unsweetened dessicated coconut over the omelette whilst its cooking).

    - 2 egg omelette filled with a sprinkling of feta or goats cheese, rocket or spinach and a couple of baby tomatoes (can add ham or chicken to this, and then the cheese is optional).

    - 2 egg omelette filled with smoked salmon, a teensy bit of lower fat cream cheese and dill (can add broccoli/asparagus/spinach/rocket to this).

    {All of the above fried in a tiny bit of coconut oil or grass-fed butter}.

    - 2 eggs whisked with 2 tbsp tinned coconut milk, 1 tbsp dessicated coconut and some stevia to sweeten, microwaved in a bowl for approx 1min 30 seconds, topped with 2 more tbsp tinned coconut milk. (This is my lazy breakfast and wont win any prizes for presentation but it tastes like coconut egg custard/sweet crustless quiche. I love it when im rushed for time).

    You can also make an egg-based N'oatmeal on the stove by whisking eggs, ground almonds/coconut flour, stevia & coconut milk over the heat until thickened to a porridge-like consistency.

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Sorry, that last recipe was meant to be 2 mins in the microwave. I just had this quick brekky this morning and i love it!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    multigrain waffle and pb or real maple syrup, fruit, egg

    smoothies are good too. put a bunch of healthy stuff in a blender and go and then drink, no chewing necessary
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Oatmeal, omelets, homefries, waffles, muffins, scones, etc are what I eat for breakfast.
  • JandCsMommy
    JandCsMommy Posts: 35 Member
    Bagel Thin with one egg and 1 Laughing Cow wedge. I LOVE it!
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited May 2015
    Eat whatever you want if it fits in your calories. You don't have to stick with "breakfast food." I think we are so programmed to eat foods like cereal or eggs for breakfast that when we don't it seems weird. I personally rarely eat "breakfast food" for breakfast, but then I also usually don't eat what would be my breakfast until close to noon. Even when I do eat earlier though, I've had things like spaghetti or pizza, lol. My most important meal of the day is dinner personally.
  • nikkyc2
    nikkyc2 Posts: 5 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    What's your breakfast budget (calories)? I eat around 700-900 calories for breakfast. That's what it takes for me to feel full until lunch after I'm done with my morning training. Everyone is different. If you are a breakfast person, figure out what foods make you feel full longest.

    You should be eating 300-400 Mac for breakfast. Eating too much expands your stomach. You need to trick it and eat. Less so it will shrink. And you should have a light snack in between breakfast or lunch.
    --730-2 prices Peameal. 3/4cup egg whites with 1/3cup mozza= 300 calories..
    Workout 9-11am.
    --11am protein shake.=120 calories...
    --12:30pm lunch-- 6-8onz, proteins(chicken fish beef) and green veggies= 300-400 calories
    --3pm snack is 4-6onz proteins 1cup green veggies and Greek yogurt =250-350 calories
    --6pm dinner is 6-8onz meats and veggies=400 calories
    --9pm snack is 30g almonds and a tbsp peanut butter

    I take in between 1680-1750 calories a day.. This diet is the keto diet.. No carbs what so ever unless from your green veggies... First month on the diet was 27 lbs gone..

  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    Lightly toasted Bagel thin (I'm in love with these) 40g smoked salmon, some parsley, egg whites scrambled made with light philladelphia wilted spinach

    20g oats, 140g summer fruits, 100g greek yoghurt, 1/2 cup of almond milk, vanilla essence. Blend together.

    20g fruit museli, 80g low fat greek yoghurt, 1 cup almond milk, 100g black forest fruits, 1 tbh spoon honey.

    All under 320 calories and my three go to breakfasts when I wake up hungry.

    If im feeling lazy 40g oats with skim milk and vanilla protein powder stirred in sprinkled with 10g crushed smarties.

  • JamesScapes
    JamesScapes Posts: 14 Member
    1. 1 cup cheerios
    2. 1 cup fat free milk
    3. 1 scoop protein powder (vanilla or chocolate)
    4. 1/2 grapefruit
    • 362 calories
    • 55 grams carbs
    • 3 grams fat
    • 32 grams protein
    I feel the carbs are a good energy start for the day, you can add a little more fat percentage later.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    oatmeal toped with a sunny side up egg and some slices of avocado. dress with some bacon bits and drizzle with Sriracha...garnish with chopped green onion. Awesomeness..