Hi! Looking for like minded friends. Looking to loose 50-60lbs

hi out there! I'm looking for like minded friends to keep each other motivated. I'm from nyc, 32yrs old looking to loose around 50+ lbs. I'm currently 212.

I know I will never be the skinny girl but i want to be at a healthy weight for my body/height.

I joined mfp awhile ago but never really got into it. Last year I was very active and lost around 15lbs and felt amazing. But due to a workout injury I let myself slack off. Stopped going to the gym. Got into a bew relationship And became victim of relationship weight gain.

I am no longer happy with my body, I feel uncomfortable in my body. I know that losing weight is 90% food related and 10% of gym/exercise but I can't seem to manage the food portion.

I am ready to take back control and hope you can join me and keep me motivated and I promise to do the same for you.


  • efraincasas140
    efraincasas140 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm down 60 pounds let me know if you need help I'm not a company or trying to sell anything lol
  • 9Chelle28
    9Chelle28 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. Just getting MFP up and running again and I got a new fitbit to keep me motivated. Could always use MFP friends to share tips and motivation with. Add me if you'd like. And good luck with your journey!
  • 5alod95
    5alod95 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    i was 87kg now I'm 68kg, i have hypothyroidism so i know how hard is the loosing weight journey, but there is no thing impose pol, don't worry withe patience and motivation you can do it, feel free to ask any thing you need i will be happy to help.
    First, take small steps; I promise you will get to your goal if you don't overwhelm yourself. Start with cutting out salt, processed foods and as much bread as possible. Switch to whole grain breads and eat it maybe once a week. Eat 3 meals and 3 snacks: 2 boiled eggs with some oatmeal for breakfast, protein and veg for lunch & dinner, snacks could be Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit or almonds, or a cheese string. If you don't drink water at all, start with 3 glasses per day and work your way up to 8. If you're not used to exercising, start with 15 min of walking per day and add 5 minutes each time you go. No fried foods, eat baked chicken or fish, add steamed vegetables with every meal along with a glass of water (have 3 glasses plus 1 glass with each meal). Again, don't be overwhelmed, start small but remain consistent. Thats' just a super-quick breakdown but I really encourage you to do some research; knowledge is power! Best of luck!
  • xquisiteluv
    xquisiteluv Posts: 82 Member
    SW 250
    CW 212
    GW 150
    want to lose about 50 60lbs myself looking for motivation and friends feel free to add me my name is Luekisha I'm from NJ btw...With the support and encouragement from others we all can do this!! Stay blessed everyone! :)
  • cinnybuns
    cinnybuns Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your response. I'm excited to motivate each other.
  • foshenry
    foshenry Posts: 2 Member
    Oh gosh, are you me??? I'm a 31/f, from NYC, just moved to PA 2 months ago with my boyfriend. We started dating a year ago and I gained 20-30 lbs! We celebrated being together every time we got together, with beer, cheese, bread, etc. Terrible. I'm now taking control of what I eat and I want to get down to a healthy weight for my height. Add me if you want to be friends on here! I'm thinking it'll be good for being held accountable.

  • Lil206
    Lil206 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello I tried this about 8 months ago and gave up. Would like to loose 60 pounds. Bought a garmin to make sure I walk now and starting to log my food. Any new friends who can help me would be very much appreciated - I've got to do it this time !
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi! I lost 80 lbs several years and then got a boyfriend and slowly packed back on 50lbs from eating out and drinking way to much. Now I'm single again and going to focus on me and losing the weight hopefully for good this time. I'm on here almost every day so I can help motivate you, so add me, the more friends the merrier! :)
  • TheTruthAtAnyCost
    TheTruthAtAnyCost Posts: 52 Member
    Wow, we're basically the same. 209, looking to lose around 60 pounds. Also experiencing some relationship weight gain. Feel free to add me. :)