Workout Fail

flrancho Posts: 271 Member
I've been trying to workout 2-3 times a week for the past 4-5 months since I've gotten a free gym membership through my job.

On most machines I go through anywhere from 7-10 reps of 10 at anywhere from 20 to 70 lbs. Anyway, this work week I only made it to the gym once, so I decided to go out there earlier today - something I haven't done yet on the weekend.

I through in some kind of workout clunker. I kept the weights the same in which I've had them on given the respective machine, but instead of my normal 7-10 reps of 10, I was only able to get 2-4 reps in on each machine before getting some major muscle fatigue where I felt like I just couldn't do anymore. I don't know what was wrong, because nothing about the workout had changed - just the time of day (morning vs early evening). I ended up getting so disgusted with being unable to do my normal reps, that I ended up bailing on my workout after 15-20 minutes or so and just left.

What could have caused me to decline so rapidly? I didn't work out the day before, so I don't see how it could be muscle fatigue. I haven't been eating bad and have still been loosing weight. I haven't been skipping out on the gym - I have skipped some cardio, but really my cardio is just a 1-2 mile walk at about 2 mph, so its nothing crazy. Really, the only thing major that changed was that I went to exercise at 8 am instead of 5 pm, and had eaten a meal about an hour prior, whereas when I exercise at 5, its usually 4-5 hours since I've had a meal.

What gives? Why was this workout so bad?


  • chadr74
    chadr74 Posts: 26 Member
    I only exercise in the mornings and I here this a lot from people that have changed schedules and complain about strength and energy in the morning. At 8 am even though you ate an hour earlier your body has not digested the food so your muscles glycogen levels are low. If your food had simple carbs that should have helped! But if you try it again do some stretching and good warmup combined with some type of carbs for energy at least 45 min before. I like to drink a cup of orange juice and some type of fruit usually banana! Hope this helps and next time if you feel weak lower the weight down and get your reps in something is way better than nothing!