can i have ur help & guidnce please. struggling

katieG2339 Posts: 12 Member
Im always dieting well trying i did callrie counting for 4 weeks n lost 6lb
well ive put it all back on.
I just carnt do it aint got the will power i need.
i hate myself incesure.
I always think this is the time to chnaage i do really good then fall off the wagon.
can i have some of ur stories n how u did it.
i aint got time for gym i got a new born & 3 year old full time. By time my partner gets home from work i wanna go bed .
thank you avice welcome


  • katieG2339
    katieG2339 Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry for spelling stupid phone x
  • KatieDecker96
    KatieDecker96 Posts: 1 Member
    I know some days I just don't feel like exercising and my motivation is down the drain, so sometimes late at night I'll go in my bathroom, put in headphones, and play music and practice belly dancing, twerking, or anything else I don't want anyone else to see, haha. I always work up a sweat and it lifts my mood so much! I just fool around and try to move as much as possible in an hour. If I'm really tired it takes me a while to get into it but by the end I'm having so much fun!
  • Fizbi
    Fizbi Posts: 60 Member
    I LOGIN everyday, 3 to 4 times a day, just to stay on track. It's a healthy habit and keeps me on track. Use the MFP phone app. There's no excuse for being lazy. Either you want to lose weight, or you don't. Your spelling is a good example of being too lazy to type out whole words. The same lazy habit will sink your efforts at weight loss.
  • katieG2339
    katieG2339 Posts: 12 Member
    No im not to lazy to type out word properly i have 2 kids to see to & im alson very tired from seeing to a teething baby all night!
    Dont u dare call me lazy i am very much far from!
  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    what have you tired already? Looking at your past attempts and figuring out why they are not working will help give you insight on what you need to change in your life. Have you tried getting the kids involved? Changing the foods you eat as a family? Logging your meals? How much water do you drink and sleep do you get? Can you create a daily schedule that will better help you and create a nice routine your your family? <3
  • katieG2339
    katieG2339 Posts: 12 Member
    My son eats fine he domt eat crap i do him all good stuff i loke to make sure he gets the best.
    At meal times husbands at work so he has his tea at night when he gets home.
    Im normally seeing to baby and grab something then i think thats whats doing me tbh.
    Yeah i drink load of water i make sure i drink at least 1-2 ltrs a day because im prone to kidney infections so i have to drinkk alot of water.
    I think its just when i have 5 mins n kids r in bed i get bored and comfort eat.
    Im getting about 5 hours sleep a night.
    im always on the go i live in a second floor apartment (moving next week) ith no lift so i carry a double pram down n 2 kids plus shopping etc i walk everywere.
    I think im going have to prepare healthy meal then freeze them perhaps for all week?
    Thanks xx
  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    katieG2339 wrote: »
    My son eats fine he domt eat crap i do him all good stuff i loke to make sure he gets the best.
    At meal times husbands at work so he has his tea at night when he gets home.
    Im normally seeing to baby and grab something then i think thats whats doing me tbh.
    Yeah i drink load of water i make sure i drink at least 1-2 ltrs a day because im prone to kidney infections so i have to drinkk alot of water.
    I think its just when i have 5 mins n kids r in bed i get bored and comfort eat.
    Im getting about 5 hours sleep a night.
    im always on the go i live in a second floor apartment (moving next week) ith no lift so i carry a double pram down n 2 kids plus shopping etc i walk everywere.
    I think im going have to prepare healthy meal then freeze them perhaps for all week?
    Thanks xx

    I think preparing and freezing meals is a great idea! It's good that you're active too! Comfort eating might be a bit tricky. I found that meditating, painting my nails, doing anything to keep my mind away from food and my hands busy will help me keep away from snacking. Does the apartment complex you're moving to have a gym? Sorry I'm asking 1001 questions!
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm going to be blunt, you just have to want it bad enough, and work hard to make it happen. Most of us on here have very similar lives to yours. I'm a mom of 3 young kids, and work full time. I fit in going to the gym after my kids go to bed, or over my lunch break at work. I take my kids for walks or go on bike rides with them. You just have to fit in time to work out, even though you'd much rather collapse on the couch when you finally get your kids down for the night. As for eating comfort food at night, instead do a workout, or if you need something grab a coffee or tea instead of food.

    I know it's hard to make time for yourself when you are a parent of young children. But no one else is going to make time for you, you have to do it for yourself.
  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    You have a newborn and your not sleeping a lot, so give yourself a break, take it slowly. Try and make one healthy change at a time. At some point you'll feel better and you'll be ready for bigger change. I also am a mom of 3 kids, my last one is only 12 weeks old. You do your best with what you have.
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