Still a bit full but...

Hey guys, I'm a little full from my food today, but I'm still 1000 calories under my goal! What do I do?? It's 7:21pm and I've eaten all of my meals today.


  • DanishD
    DanishD Posts: 6 Member
    I say trust your body! :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I don't know if this is true for anybody else.
    I've come to realize that on the days I have significant workouts it sort of reduces my appetite.
    I don't always feel like eating my all exercise calories that day , but the following day I'm ravenous.
    So I'm thinking... its probably not that big a deal to carry them over a day to when I really want them.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I am with you on that one ... have about 750 calories left (even after I have dessert) and I have my 30 DS workout to do yet tonight ... LOL

    That will put me at just under a thousand extra calories.
    Maybe I will fit in a protein shake if I feel the need for cool proteiny smoothie-ness. But if not, I'll just deal with the amount today and maybe make up for it tomorrow ... or not ... LOL
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Listen to your stomach. I got alot of exercise today and my stomach wouldn't let me get away with not feeding it. I slapped down a 400 calorie PBJ sandwich and its all good now. My calorie goal is 2180. My net calories are 1262 so i'm 900 under for the day but i'm done eating. I have started answering my stomach . Eat when i'm hungry and don't when i'm not.