Hypothyroidism - Need advice!



  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    What is the Dukan diet?
    I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism - it's been since 1994 and to top it off, I'm going through some hormonal changes with menopause... *sigh* It's frustrating to say the least...I'm taking synthroid but used to take Armour (may get back on it soon, it was off the market for about 2 years). I've been on MFP since march and have slowly lost 8lbs - I'm working very hard as well. Not sure about the advice but keep trying. Will add you as my friend..we can at least keep each other motivated. :smile:

    I have the exact same problem. I have been on Synthroid for about 4 years. In that time I have struggled to lose weight. I usually lose less than 1 pound a month. Even went to a RD for a year and she had me keep a food diary then. Still less than a pound a month. Now with the menopausal stuff thrown in, you tend to feel defeated. I think you have to keep trying different things not only to find something that works for you but to also help keep you hopeful and motivated. FOR ME, I have just tried that Dukan Diet recently and so far lost almost 18 pounds since May 3rd. I am into the second phase of it where your diet mainly consisits of Protein and vegetables. I have a few friends who are not Hypothyroid but have struggled with weight now they only eat meat and vegetables period. I have another friend who was a strict Vegan and was overweight, one day she craved a carne asada burrito and now all she eats are lean meaats and vegetables and some fruit. Both these people have lost dramatic amounts of weight after finding what works for them. That is the journey I am on now. I am now fully convinced that not everyone can eat the same way even if it considered healthy. ( I have the food journals to prove my own situation) OH! I now have a third friend who has done weight watchers for a awhile lost 25 pounds, plateaued and then she tried MFP saw that she was eating 500 calories a day in strawberries! She now stopped that ended her plateau and is now a total MFP junkie. I don't know if this helps but keep trying different things.
    I am on the Dukan too. I have lost 9 pounds since starting it on May the 14th.
    you can go to the website to get a little more info www.thedukandiet.co.uk

    But, it is a 4 phase program,
    Attack phase - usually a week long, depending how much weight you want to lose. All lean protein meats, eggs, non-fat dairy
    Cruise phase - can last for months depending how much weight you want to lose - Alternate Attack phase days with days that you add low carb veggies, such as green beans, broccoli, calliflower, etc. etc.
    Consolidation Phase - is 5 days for every pound you lost.add some complex carbs, with every Thursday being a Attack phase day, and you can have 2 celebration meals a week, stuff like pizza, hamburger, etc.
    Stablization Phase - eat what you want, but every Thursday have the Attack Phase day for the rest of your life.

    It shows I can drop from 198 to 154.6 by 8-10-11.
  • cogp
    cogp Posts: 6 Member
    When I first got my thyroid problem many years ago I gained a ton. But through Weight Watchers I lost 50 lbs in about a year's time. Through careful writing it down I was able to maintain for five years. I had some other health problems develop and combined with stress, my thyroid wacked out again and my dosage went to 200mcg--my weight went up 60 lbs in just a few short months.

    After 4 years of trying everything (I even submitted to being a in a study group at the local University, and everyone else lost but my weight just sat there like a rock!), I have now started to see some weight loss with mfp--6 lbs in 3 weeks! By the way, my thyroid problem is considered to be an autoimmune problem by my endocrinologist. A few things I've found helpful.

    1. Weight loss does not come easily, even when you get on the right medicine.
    2. Eating right is only half of the problem; I have to exercise way more than most people do to make any kind of difference.
    Right now I have to exercise about 2 hours every day, and make sure I don't eat up my calories, I have to have at least 500 to 600 calories left over at the end of the day for me to be able to lose.
    3. I have to watch everything meticulously or my weight shoots way up again.
    4. Vitamin C has been useful for me. I forgot about this idea--I'll have to do it again. When I was in Weight Watchers, I found that my weight loss stagnated and then I read an article that if you have an autoimmune system thyroid problem,
    vitamin C might help put it back in order by taking 1000 units daily. I tried it, and with nothing else different I found I could lose 2 lbs a week. I think I'll try that again.

    Hope this helps somebody else.
  • I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease in 1998 and have been taking thyroid medication since. Although I did gain like 20 pounds after the diagnosis, I think my eating habits were no good, as well. I have been on MFP and have lost 11 pounds since January. I am shotting for 2 pounds a month. As long as you take your medications and eat healthier, you will see the weight loss. It might not be as quick as you would like, but it took me along time to gain my weight, so I would expect it to take a while to get if off. GOOD LUCK!!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Hello...Hypothyroidism here as well! It's a B****! I have been on meds since 2002 for it. I take Synthroid, not generic! When it comes to siezure, heart and thyroid always pay the extra for brand names! reason being the government allows a 15% variance for generics. So if you take 100mg of medication, one month you may get only 85mg, the next month when you refill 115mg, thats a range of 30% difference. Every cell in our body needs thyroid hormone to function. I just found this information out a little less than a month ago and immediately switched over. My insurance does not pay for brand name, but it was only $17.36 difference between the brand name and my co-pay for the generic! Same thing to consider for heart and seizure meds, when it comes to these vital organs that our body depends on, can we really afford for that kind of variances???
    Hang in there it will help!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Hello...Hypothyroidism here as well! It's a B****! I have been on meds since 2002 for it. I take Synthroid, not generic! When it comes to siezure, heart and thyroid always pay the extra for brand names! reason being the government allows a 15% variance for generics. So if you take 100mg of medication, one month you may get only 85mg, the next month when you refill 115mg, thats a range of 30% difference. Every cell in our body needs thyroid hormone to function. I just found this information out a little less than a month ago and immediately switched over. My insurance does not pay for brand name, but it was only $17.36 difference between the brand name and my co-pay for the generic! Same thing to consider for heart and seizure meds, when it comes to these vital organs that our body depends on, can we really afford for that kind of variances???
    Hang in there it will help!

    Wow, thanks for the info, I will have to switch to name brand. I always ask for generic. And I am on some very important meds.
  • Does anyone know anything about Levothyroxine? Good, or bad?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    It takes a while for the Doc to determine the correct dosage.....I am losing just fine but I work with a Dietician you should see about getting a referral to one from your Doc....I take Levothyroxine its been working good for me so far...I think those of us with thyroid disorders just have to work a bit harder and really stay accountable calorie wise...I am on 1200-1500 calories per day and between 125 and 180g of carbs...I workout daily mainly cardio 45minutes...no eating back exercise cals and I dont count household stuff and yard stuff as exercise
  • medicjoyce
    medicjoyce Posts: 1
    Thank goodness!! I have found others out there like me! I too have hypothyroidism, had thyroid removed about 3 years ago and have gained 30 pounds. I have been on levothyroxine 100mcg for years without weight loss. I started to watch my food intake, I walk 3.4 miles every night and the weight is very slow to come off. About 1lb a week! It's very depressing. My sister started the same time as me and dropped 3lbs in one week, and only walked once that week. We have to work extra hard, but I hope to reach my goal someday. We have to stay strong! Any advise out there..........I'm listening. :)
  • jaydensmommy2010
    jaydensmommy2010 Posts: 129 Member
    I've had hypothyroidism for only 3 months, and have been on meds for those 3 months. I wouldn't lose any weight, actually I gained a ltitle. Then all of a sudden I lost 7 lbs. It does take a while for the meds to kick in. The Dr. told me it takes about 2-3 months to notice a difference in how I feel.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I have been hypothyroid since I was 18 months old. I am now 29. Losing weight is a struggle with Hypothyroidism, but it is possible. We have to work twice sometimes 3 times as hard as other people, but in the end it is all worth it. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance and Pernicious Anemia due to a Vitamin B 12 deficiency and I have a Vitamin D deficiency as well. Some days I have a hard time just functioning, but since I have started losing weight last year I went from a dosage of 200 MCG of Synthroid to 175 to having to do a split dose of 150 3 days a week and 175 4 days a week because as you lose weight it takes less of the hormone to stimulate your thyroid. The lowest dose I have EVER been on though is 112. You do have to give the meds at least a month or so to start working to its full extent. Thyroid problems suck and it may take you time to start losing, but like I told someone else before, it will happen. It will most likely be slower than a lot of other people, but it will happen. Just keep at it. Don't get discouraged. The hard work you are putting in now will pay off in the end.
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I have been hypothyroidism for about 4-5 years. I take Synthyroid daily. I think it works fine. I have lost 40 pounds so it can be done, it isnt easy but its possible. Please feel free to add me for support....anyone on this thread can add me.
  • padigirl
    padigirl Posts: 32
    Bump :-)
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