Am I too overweight for Insanity?`

Hey guys. I have 50+ lbs to lose before goal (just lost 36) and I am looking for something "new" to switch up my routine. I've acheived a very good level of cardiovascular fitness with TurboFire and have also added 2/3 days of running. I was thinking of trying Insanity. Would I be wasting my time with so much weight to lose still?


  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I personally dont think anyone is too overweight for any exercise, just depends on the person and in injuries, like knee injuries. I am currently doing Turbo Fire and just started it, I can get frustrated trying to keep up but as long as I am moving, and I kept my heart rate up at 167. This has the warning for certain body injuries and I am assuming Insanity would as well. I say try it and have fun! :happy:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I've only tried one workout and its definitely intense!! Fast paced, jumping, push ups, burpees, jacks...........

    I dont think its a weight issue, more of a fitness issue. Like all of these programs, if you go at your own pace, you can do it! And your endurance will improve. I plan on doing it after I finish P90X. Not done turbofire, so can't compare, sorry!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    ive done insanity and i have all together from when i started 30 pounds to lose and it was challenging and i had to take doing 30 DS now and i feel sore from all depends on the person
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I think if you want to do INSANITY to do it! I'm currently doing it and I'm not going to lie it IS tough! Even some of the most fit people can't complete a workout without taking a break and that is completely normal! It's very intense and constant movement but I love it! I think for the most part all of the actually exercises are pretty easy to get down, the intensity makes it tough but also very fun!
  • fadedflower79
    fadedflower79 Posts: 80 Member
    I was 40 lbs over my weight goal when I did Insanity and it was tough but so much fun - I was hooked!!

    Due to joint pain though, I did modify a few of the jumps which helped me stick with it and keep moving! I also now take Animal Flex joint supplements daily but after I figure out this Turbo Fire, I will return to Insanity and then Asylum!!

    Good luck!! It's awesome!!!
  • shantaraw
    shantaraw Posts: 12 Member
    I have both Insanity and TurboFire and if you can hang with the Fire drills in TurboFire, you would probably like Insanity and do well. His stuff is 30-45 minutes of straight Fire drills.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I agree with some of the above posts. I don't believe it is weight that is the issue it is more about physical fitness level and whether your body can withstand constant jumping. You will jump/bounce in about every exercise.

    The standard warm-up is as follows:
    - Jogging in place
    - Jumping Jacks
    - Heismans
    - 1, 2, 3 Heismans
    - Butt Kicks
    - High Knees
    - Mummy Kicks

    I'm not sure if I put them in the correct order but just to give you an idea of what kinds of things to expect. There are also several versions squats/lunges/push-ups/Jumps, etc.

    I hope this helps. :)
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    yups I agree w/ the girl that said its more of a endurance/fitness prerequisite and less of a weight prerequisite. I can run circles around girls who are 30 pounds less than me now, 3 months ago not so much =) I say go for it, you got nothing to lose, and if its too much, it will always be there for you when you are ready for it.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's your level of fitness that determines whether you're physically able to handle Insanity. If you're overweight but are able to perform heavy plyometric exercise, then you should be fine. Maintain proper form throughout all the routines to prevent injury, stretch well, breathe, and push yourself to your maximum ability; you'll see results. If you decide to do it, go for it, and enjoy.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I also have 50 pounds to lose. I made it through the first week and some of Insanity, but just listened to my body (I only stopped because I have bruised ribs :( ). If I was really out of breath, I stopped and drank some water. I went into it very out of shape, but everyday I felt like I was getting better. Like others have said it's not about your weight it's about your fitness level. The reason I like Insanity is because he does motivate you to keep going, but reminds you to rest when you need to. Some of my friends who are in shape were doing it and blowing chow because they didn't listen to their bodies and kept going even when feeling nauseous or dizzy.
    Also I found that drinking whey protein powder made the muscle pain the next day not so bad.