Please Help Me TODAY~!

I just completed week 3 day 1 of Couch to 5k and OMG...I have over 1000 calories left for the day...What in the "heck" can I eat tonight...any ideas?

Hopelessly NOT HUNGRY~!


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I would go with protein. Something sugar free and fat free.

    Lean Chicken, Tuna Fish, Protein Shake...

    1 night being under like that won't break the bank but try not to get caught with your pants down.
    Plan your meals....divide your daily calories by 5 or 6 equal size meals and try to eat around that amount.

    And if you don't mind me saying...don't eat anything you ate today again, Cept the Ketchup, Grilled chicken and maybe the beans.
    Get rid of all the white poisons in your life. White breads (read the ingredients...bleached flour), Sugars, Diet Soda cause all kinds of confussion for your system. You don't have to do it all over night...just make small changes weekly. It all adds up.
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    10 Miller Lite's! Ha ha...just kidding!:drinker:
  • charwell
    charwell Posts: 14 Member
    Options the miller lite fav friend!
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    Nuts - (sorry there is no easy way to say that) - lots of good calories! Or a good glass of chocolate milk - good for recovering muscles!
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    Nuts - (sorry there is no easy way to say that) - lots of good calories! Or a good glass of chocolate milk - good for recovering muscles!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Almonds or Walnuts are a great source of MUFA's but not after 4pm. The little bit of carbs that are in them spikes insulin and promotes fat storage.

    Sorry to walk on your post MichZ...forgive me.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I just completed week 3 day 1 of Couch to 5k and OMG...I have over 1000 calories left for the day...What in the "heck" can I eat tonight...any ideas?

    Hopelessly NOT HUNGRY~!

    While I cant suggest anything to help you bridge that HUGE calorie gap (lucky you!), I will say congrats on keeping up with C25K! Good job :smile:

    Well maybe a piece of grilled chicken or lean ground beef, with a slice of wheat bread or just lettuce. I kinda liked the beer suggestion too :drinker:
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Wow, I checked out your diet diary. I might hold it right there? you're at 942, take it to 1300 and call it a day. I'm sure your hungry, a can of tuna or a chicken breast.

    You've been eating
    A corn dog?
    Pringles wheat whatevers?
    There is a reason they call it "junk food:

    You might want to read this:


    Good luck!
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    Are you hungry yet? I think laddy is right. Just get some quality sustenance in. You don't have to eat all 1000 calories tonight.

    Bon Appitit!