Running motivation anyone?

I started running back in January with Couch to 5K and am signed up for my first 5K this coming Saturday. Yay! But lately, I have felt down about my runs and have thought about quitting altogether. I'm a little dismayed that after four months, I'm still "only" running a 14-minute or 15-minute mile, depending on the day, and don't know if that's normal or if I'm too slow. It's been really humid a lot where I live, and when I get out in the heat, I tend to have to take walk breaks more because I can't handle going full-out when it's 75 degrees at 10 a.m. and the dew point is oppressive. I know I can't make excuses and the running has to get done, but even though I still get out there, I feel dreadful every time I have a run scheduled when the humidity is creeping up. I signed up for a half marathon in October and am questioning if I have the stamina to be outside in July and August doing five, six, seven miles a day. And more.

Do any runners have advice to gain more confidence? Did anyone ever feel like they kind of sucked at running for a while before it got better? I came back yesterday after a three-mile run turned into a walk, and I was upset because after four months, I don't feel I'm a "good" runner and maybe it's not for me. How long did it take you before you felt confident?

I don't really want to quit running. A lot of my family members are runners and I see what it's done for them, especially my dad, who's lost a lot of weight and quit smoking as a result, and is now training for his first full marathon. I would like to sign up for another two 5Ks and a 10K in the fall, but I worry I won't be able to handle the summer training. Since I don't have a full-time job, I have no option for the treadmill if it gets too hot to the point where it's not safe.

What should I do?


  • kbsangel1986
    kbsangel1986 Posts: 153 Member
    Speed will come with time. Im also doing c25k and have committed to do the color me rad 5k with a friend this fall. My jog is definitely a split hair faster than my walk. My goal for now is to be able to jog the entire 5k. (which i will be doing before midsummer) my secondary goal is to do a 5k in under an hr. Long term goal is 10-12 mile runs. Speed comes with time. I want endurance more than speed personally. Dont give up.
  • lilackisses
    lilackisses Posts: 41 Member
    From what I have read your first goal is really towards endurance and then towards speed. I hope so! I am doing Zombies 5k and am dreadfully slow. However, I love it. (I love running! Who would have thought!) and am just hoping that after I finish the 5k and start running more regularly speed will come soon.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Why does speed matter? Like all things you get better and faster with time. Too hot? Carry water and run slower. Sounds more like you're looking for a reason to quit than a reason to keep going.

  • randeeolive
    randeeolive Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up. You can only get better from here on out!