cheat week

i literally fell off the wagon this week. i ate SO MUCH and SO BAD. and i didn't work out at all. I've been doing so well eating healthy and 1200 calories every day and working out 6 out of the 7 days but this week it all went down the drain I'm afraid. I lost 5 pounds but I think I gained it all back. I'm just so frustrated because I've felt sick every day and it's so hard to get back into it. any tips? or motivation


  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm with ya girl. This wk was bad for me as well. Tmrw is a new day and new month, get back on the wagon, u can do it!
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    When I'm struggling I go and read the success stories and look at the pictures. It really helps to know that I'm not the only one that struggles from time to time, everyone seems to have bad days, weeks but they get through it, one day at a time! Also when I'm struggling I pray and ask God to give me the strength to continue this journey. Good luck!
  • shancourcy16
    shancourcy16 Posts: 49 Member
    I did the same thing this week, getting back at it tom!
  • pumpkinpocalypse
    pumpkinpocalypse Posts: 104 Member
    edited June 2015
    It happens, and it can be a huge bummer and be really demotivating, I know this for a fact since my best friend is a pro of yoyo dieting. She goes on a huge (and by huge i mean ''my 6 ft tall boyfriend who only eats junk food and is overweight wouldnt eat that amount in one day or meal'') binge, lasting from a day to a week, then feels like crap and will only eat fad salads for an entire week. then she starts binging on junk again, etc.
    Rant over, the thing isn't healthy and i'm sure you are aware of it, but a mistake once doesn't mean all your efforts are ruined and that you should give up, or deprive yourself. Start off the next day normally, following the same exact diet you were following just before, or make changes, as you wish. Don't cut by a large number your daily calorie intake ''to undo the damage'' because it will make it worse, and if you're starving the chances of coming right back into a binge episode are way higher. So get over it, make peace with yourself and eat as much as you need to, in a normal way. Maybe stay away from indulgent desserts/junk food/heavy restaurant outings for a week or two just so you can give yourself time to feel a bit lighter, sice you said you felt sick a lot lately.
    Go outside, exercice, play, take long walks. Get some fresh air in and you will feel better psychologically and physically.
    Pretty much it! Good luck and take care.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Probably a sign that your deficit is too aggressive and/or you've been too restrictive
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    Sometimes I am down on myself when in reality I'm not eating more than I should or if I do I am still gaining because I am more active and don't put it down as exercise for calories burned.
  • maeveyore
    maeveyore Posts: 2 Member
    I've had an unexpected weekend of "bad eating," too. But since I don't have an awesome time-machine to go back to Friday night to stop it from happening, all I can do is brush myself off tomorrow, eat a few healthy meals, get in some exercise and drink water-- and go on with my life. I try to motivate myself for one day at a time, and also to try to understand why I over ate crud that I know will make me feel gross. Hormonal? Exhausted? Stressed? Too restricted in the days leading up to it? Pushing myself too hard?
    And also, beware of trying to be "perfect." In my life, that has been the biggest set up for a binge. No need to be perfect, darn good is good enough!
    Good luck! Check in tomorrow!
    PS--any change on the scale will probably be just bloat/ water weight, so don't freak out. It'll be gone in a week. No real harm done. xxo
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Probably a sign that your deficit is too aggressive and/or you've been too restrictive


    And I doubt you ate enough to gain 5 lbs back. Did you even eat above maintenance? Move on. And maybe don't have such a low calorie goal.