Workout videos online?

Hi all! I know I'm supposed to do weight training, but I really really do not want to go to the gym. I have plenty of handweights at home and even have a bar for bench press, etc. Do you have any recommendations of places where I can find videos for workouts with weights? Youtube channels? Podcasts? Free would obviously be great, but I'm open minded. I just would rather work out at home, but need a video or something to help guide me. Thanks!


  • mstuck08
    mstuck08 Posts: 31 Member
    Sending request
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Fitness Blender
    Jillian Michaels
    Bob Harper

    all on youtube. I work out at home also so I utilize these youtube channels a lot.
  • robin80h
    robin80h Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much, Strong Curves! I look forward to checking these out.