How many sports-related injuries do you have?



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    tendonitis: if it has a tendon, I've over used it
    sprained my shoulder slipping out of a move on silks and unexpectedly landed my bodyweight on my left shoulder. got bored with the physical therapy and it not working well.

    underlying conditions
    myalgia, and a bodily desire to inflame

    activity: run 5-6 days a week (1+ mile)
    walk every day 1+ mile
    aerial yoga/hammock conditioning 3/wk
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    36 year old female and none for me, because I never played sports :p
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    thanks for responding, everyone. it's encouraging to see people doing their best despite obstacles. Some of you have been through some serious trials.
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    sports related....
    Cracked cheekbone - hit in face with ball playing softball (ice and waited for bruises to disappear)
    Torn ACL Left knee - torn playing fastball (reconstructive surgery)
    Torn Calf muscle - torn while running (rested / rehabbed at home)
    Torn ACL Right Knee - Torn playing fastball (reconstructive surgery)
    Achilles Tendonitis - overuse injury from running (sports therapist fixed it - no issues since)
    Elbow Tendonitis - overuse injury from throwing (ongoing - not fixed, but not too bad of an issue)

  • VyseN
    VyseN Posts: 32 Member
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male

    - While training for a half marathon, I got a mild case of runner's knee. 6 weeks without workout + physiotherapy before I could resume my training.
    - Sprained my ankle on the ice during a winter hike. Close to twist-fracture, but my doctor said I was super lucky.
    - Started lifting weights without knowing anything about correct methods. Ended up with a shoulder injury, and if I lift anything in a certain way now, I pinch a nerve and then there's nothing to do but wait the seconds before I pass out. Not much to do about it other than staying away from bad lifting. :wink:
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    Just a sprained knee and sprained ankle from playing volleyball in high school.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Age: 35
    Gender: female

    Injuries: sciatica from glute muscle tightening on the nerve-PT helped.
    Achilles tendonitis-PT again.
    Runners knee-PT AGAIN
    Presently dealing with calves that are permanently tight/constricted for the majority of the past month. Going to PT, taking muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories, epsom salt baths, heat, ice, compression, you name it. I am waiting for my doctors office to call me back as I type this, because I can't tolerate the lack of results I'm getting from all the interventions I'm trying.

    Activites-swimming in middle/high school, consistent 5-6 days at the gym since age 18 doing weights, step, spinning, kickboxing, and most recently kettlebells and running.

    Let me just state that I have no tolerance for the low-impact activities that I am stuck doing while my mystery calf ailments wrecks havock. :(
  • headwind2015
    headwind2015 Posts: 69 Member
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male

    Popped two tendons from the bones on my left hand rock climbing (overuse). Rehabbing this injury took the better part of two years to get back to full strength. Initially, I couldn't do anything with my left hand. Even things as mundane as opening the fridge was painful.

    Partial tear in my left shoulder. I've done PT for this injury but it has never gotten back to 100% :(

    Current activities: rock climbing, tennis, running, cycling and swimming.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Age: 33
    Gender: Female

    Severely dislocated my left knee while playing soccer after getting slide tackled into the inside of my knee.
    Broke both bones in my left wrist in gymnastics when I fell from the high bar.

    None except for some very basic and short PT for my wrist after the cast came off. If I had been any older, I would have needed pins and screws in my wrist.

    Current issues:
    I continue to have on and off knee pain and it may have also messed up my hip and back (according to my current PT). My knee snaps and pops all the time. Sometimes it will pop backwards in the joint which is the most painful thing I have experienced.

    My wrist also likes to lock up, though that has gotten pretty rare. It does it most often after something like pushups.

    Current activity:
    Biking, hiking, pilates, and yoga mostly. Plus whatever my current PT has me doing. Low impact is a high priority though.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited June 2015
    Age 45

    Age 16-Right hip impact injury fro falling from a horse- was not addressed until was 40.
    Age 18-Right ankle-Severe sprain when my horse threw me and stepped on it. Still swells and flares up from time to time.
    Age 19 Right should temporarily dislocated when a horse threw me and I held onto the reins. Put it back in myself.
    Age 19 TMJ loosened when a young horse threw his head and hit me in the face with the top of his head, putting my upper teeth through my lower lip.Jaw still pops now and then.
    Age 20 Thrown by a young stallion, landed on both knees on a hard surface. Resulting joint degeneration and arthritis. Also had a mild concussion.
    Age 24 Right shoulder torn rotator cuff. Took a year to heal. Shoulder has since dislocated a number of times and requires regular chiropractic adjustment.
    Age 27 thrown by a horse. Severe lower back injury when I landed on a horse trailer hitch.
    Age 28 Thrown by the same horse, muscle tear in the left thigh muscle and mild concussion. I still don't remember the incident and have developed some short term memory problems. Leg took a couple of years to get to full strength.
    Age 30 lower back strain when I was dumb enough to carry A 100 pound sack of feed under a fence rail.
    Age 35 kicked in the back by a horse causing further spine and hip misalignment
    Age 40 Torn medial meniscus during a martial arts class
    Age 43 Broken right pinky toe during a martial arts seminar
    Age 44 Right knee meniscus sprain while doing a hanmi handachi technique that I should know better than to do. This put a definite end to my doing any more knee work in aikido.

    I also regularly get my feet stepped on by horses, sometimes get kicked sat on leaned on and otherwise mauled by them requiring regular services of a chiropractor and massage therapist in order to keep my joints lined up properly and out of pain.

    Some of this stuff has slowed me down some over the years. I have chronic pain in my knees, hips and right shoulder. This coming Saturday I will take my black belt in aikido. I also still ride and work with horses and have a job that requires a lot of physical effort.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    47, male

    Ripped ankle ligaments - parkur, wall jumping.
    Broken wrist - wall fall
    Broken wrist, toes - soccer
    Broken finger, nose, various stitches - cycling
    Various sprains, dislocations from bike jumps, soccer, climbing
    Two floating bone shards from more stupid stuff (one in my hand, one on my shin).
    Neuroma from overuse in foot.
    Elbow issues from improper squatting and over use in cycling.
    Shoulder issues related to cycling. Leg muscle imbalance from cycling.

    (Most of the above resolved)

    Currently I'm dealing with feet pain, stiffness and sore knees. Something always hurts. I'm used to it.

    Activity: running, hiking, cycling (road, mtb), climbing, strength training a little yoga/stretching (not enough), want to get into tri-stuff.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    41, male

    dozens of injuries playing basketball. From stoved fingers to rolled ankles. The worst was a broken wrist and a fall on my lower back that has left me dealing with a lifetime of issues.

    Running track for 10 years I never had anything more than a minor muscle strain.

    Weightlifting...never had a major injury. One bout of some elbow tendinitis when I ramped up my pull up volume too much.

    Marathon training...A strained calf, and some minor runners knee issues.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    41-year old female; broke my tailbone falling off a horse, broke a couple toes getting stepped on by a horse, had swollen ankles all through high school from playing basketball on crappy hard flooring, had shin splints for the same reason, smashed my front teeth out of my face falling off my bike. Currently I suffer from none of these, with the exception of having to bite apples, pears, etc. with my bottom teeth because now I have false front teeth.
  • kskinnyperfect
    kskinnyperfect Posts: 28 Member
    Broke 3 toes and recently tore my acl playing soccer
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    Age 60.

    "Scars are like tattoos but with better stories."

    Swimming event in open water at Key West. Jellyfish larvae in my swimsuit. Worst. Rash. Ever.

    Swimming open water in a lake (not a real event but a double dog dare.) Cut on nose from impact with a turtle.

    Swimming in a pool. Sprained tail bone from a flip turn.

    Mountain biking. Endo/face plant. Cuts, bruises, neck pain and back spasms. I stick to road cycling now.

    Broken foot hiking.

    Motorcycling. (Is it a sport injury if I wasn't racing?) Broken pelvis and tibia. I now occasionally set off metal detectors.
  • rachael00679
    rachael00679 Posts: 186 Member
    Age :35
    Gender: Female.

    No injuries and no treatments.

    Current activity-
    Walking 6 days a week 45 minutes +. 30DS every other day. Swimming when I have the time...which isnt often at the moment (maybe once a fortnight).

    Past activities -
    Netball 10 years
    Baseball 10 years
    Tennis 3 years
    Swimming 15 years +
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    gender: female
    Injuries: whiplash of the neck and shoulder not caused by exercise but exacerbated by it
    sprained ankle
    tweaked inner thigh muscle
    shin splints
    more bruises than I can count
    treatment: chiropractor, ice, and a brace for my ankle
    current activity: mma training being a server
  • chelsmaee7
    chelsmaee7 Posts: 115 Member
    About a month and a half ago I severely sprained my ankle when I was stepping off of my treadmill. My treadmill is in front of the high window in my living room.. I wanted to see if it was raining. The only part of it that's sport related is that it happened because of my treadmill lol but it's good for a laugh for everyone other than me!
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    Love reading these. Some of those injuries are awesome, I particularly love the collision with a turtle
  • jreyn04
    jreyn04 Posts: 6 Member
    Female 29, remodeled fractures to right tibia sparring, nerve damage right leg sparring, hyper extended ligament right knee volleyball, damaged top 5 vertebrae from car accidents (fubar'd at this point), right shoulder softball, right ankle softball, nerve damage left knuckle from being bitten by a kid, plantar faciitis both feet. I think that's the major ones. I am getting into zumba at a local studio because it's the only hard cardio I can do without causing neck pain and I just have to have good shoes, ice, and lots of vitamin I (ibuprofin). Most other things cause so much pain I just can't make it.