Well, 7lbs to go...vote on your preferred body type =p.

crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
edited September 27 in Success Stories
:bigsmile: 7lbs to go before I take some time and consider precisely where I want to go with this. I know it's my body, and I know that I'm the one that has to live with it...but the 'who has your perfect body' thread really got me thinking.

My family naturally bulks up. Back, shoulders, pecs...we get HUGE so easily, it actually sort of sucks lol. Even when I'm fat...it's a chubby face, big shoulders and arms...and a nice round belly topping it off lol.

So, girls...I want to show you some pictures of me now...some pictures of my little brother to explain how easily we bulk up, and what I'd look very much like if I pushed it lol...and then some pictures of a couple body types I like (the key is that I like them all...so I win regardless)...then let YOU tell me which you like best =D.

First, me now:

My front with very little work...and about 20-22% body fat. I guess what muscle there is to see is mostly just natural build. Can't WAIT until this is solid.

Full front picture on the same day.

Full back picture....today.

Now my little brother...back when he was working out with weights about 5 days a week, instead of the three bodyweight workouts I use (I don't really want to be this big...and you can see my back build just from bodyweight above):



And now...three different builds for you guys to pick from...mostly just so I can see what a cross section of people think. Guys you can vote too. Also, girls...ignore these guys faces lol, doesn't matter what they LOOK like, I just wanna know what you think of the builds!




I don't know if my body type will lend itself well to the slim build...but I want you guys opinion on it regardless =D.



  • ananda403
    ananda403 Posts: 32 Member
    Everyone has different tastes, just go with what you like and what works best for you!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Oh god.
    The slim boy is seeeeeexy.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Slim or solid. Middle is too muscly (sure that is not a word, but I am using it).
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    Everyone has different tastes, just go with what you like and what works best for you!
    I second this. If you think you look hot, women will think you look hot!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    They're all pretty sexy, go with what works for you and you'll be sexy too! Mostly, really, it's in the attitude. If you are happy with how you look, it will show. :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I think they are all a little too BUFF for my taste.

    I'd go for the middle guy, but not quite so big.. I like firm and toned,some muscle, but not all muscle.
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    Id take the slim guys head on a FAT body-hes a CUTIE! :) lol-sorry Im off the subject-but I agree-its all about how you feel. But...I do like bigger guys myself....so they can protect me :) haha. im lame.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    I'd go with middle build personally. You don't look like a skinny jeans type of guy or ronnie from jersey shore ;P
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    You do look like you could add muscle easier than others, however I have seen guys with stocky builds like yours just lose weight and look very muscular without training w heavy weights.

    I like the slim, but that might be bc that is the one that fits my body type.

    Here is my advice continue to lose weight and when you get between 10-15% BF then you can look at yourself and see what you need to do. That is what I am doing right now I have about 8 more pounds to go and then I will decide if I want to lose a little more weight or start trying to bulk.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I like the middle guy!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Well hello Little Brother & Solid....woot woot...BUT I do like Slim as well
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Would this be a better middle?


    195-200lbs ish, 5'9"

    That's probably what I'm going for, but probably not quite that heavy.
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    I've never worked out with "what type of body" in mind. It's always been for better performance at a sport. This time it's to run a 5k with my 3 adult children and their spouses and for surfing with my son. More important is for my health in general. All of these favor the slender body. But, like others have said, people have different tastes and I'm sure there are plenty of girls that like each of these.
  • lilemc2005
    lilemc2005 Posts: 27 Member
    Solid gets my vote. Thick enough to have something to hold onto and big enough to make you feel protected and safe. Looks cuddly, too.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Would this be a better middle?


    195-200lbs ish, 5'9"

    That's probably what I'm going for, but probably not quite that heavy.

    That's just about a perfect middle yes. I'm 5'7, 187lbs...so if I seriously solidified where I am now...I'd be right there I think.

    What a lot of people don't realize is that these guys don't look so 'pumped' just walking around day to day...they're 'smoother'. Post workout (the solid guy particularly illustrates this), anyone with minimal bodyfat and muscles looks like they're trying to be Arnold lol.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Id take the slim guys head on a FAT body-hes a CUTIE! :) lol-sorry Im off the subject-but I agree-its all about how you feel. But...I do like bigger guys myself....so they can protect me :) haha. im lame.

    LOL not lame!!

    I'm the kind of guy that likes to protect people...so I understand completely =p.

  • hotpinkduck
    hotpinkduck Posts: 12
    slim ; )
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Lot of replies lol...is it just me though or did half the posts on this thread suddenly disappear? There was about 10 saying my brother was hot...and now there's like 2 =p.

    For everyone that thinks my little brother's hot lol...those pictures are about 6yrs old. I think he was...28? I was 30. We're actually pretty similar in looks and build (all my family is...like a bunch of twins running around, kinda creepy)...he just pushed it a lot farther than I've been interested in doing.

    I think the middle build works too...middle to solid. He's not really that bulky, I think the camera angle has a lot to do with it too (and his troll like head lol).

    SLambertAlaska, thanks for the compliment...I think I'm great to hug too =D.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ok...I see what happened lol...my internet locked up when posting, and I somehow got two threads =/.

    Moderators, is there any way to merge them??
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
This discussion has been closed.
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