Need QUICK but filling breakfasts!

LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
Hi people! I need your suggestions. I have recently started working out in the morning, something I have never done before. I am the complete opposite of a "morning person." I suffer from insomnia and waking up in the morning after very little sleep is a constant struggle. Due to my morning workouts, for the first time in my life I have a big appetite in the morning. I used to just eat a granola bar for breakfast or nothing at all, and I would be fine until lunch. Now if I eat say, a granola bar and a greek yogurt, I'm still hungry an hour into work.

My struggle is that I absolutely cannot wake up any earlier - getting up early enough to exercise before work is really pushing it. So I don't have time to cook a real breakfast in the mornings, but I need something more substantial than what I'm eating now. I tried making a big batch of "egg muffins" that I have liked in the past and then refrigerating them to reheat in the mornings, but I found that they reheated terribly. I couldn't even finish it. The egg got all spongey... blegh.

Any suggestions for make-ahead and refrigerate, or just very quick to make, hearty breakfasts would be appreciated. I don't eat much meat, so vegetarian ideas are a bonus! What are your favorites? Thanks all :)


  • doktorglass
    doktorglass Posts: 91 Member
    I love oatmeal. Both sweet and savoury. If you don't want to do any cooking in the morning (even if it is oatmeal in the microwave), I hear overnight oats is popular.
  • nourazaim27
    nourazaim27 Posts: 10 Member
    Check this:

    If you didnt like the recipes, the idea is still.doable, prepare something at once to eat the rest of the week
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Maybe instead of egg muffins you could try quiches? I've made a bunch and they reheat better than egg muffins, and it's the same thing, except you put them in a pie dish, and cut a piece in the morning. Well, at least I never found them spongy when I got up.

    You could try hard boiling some eggs and have a couple hard boiled eggs with some whole grain bread or something...

    Or just buy low carb/high fiber tortillas and make a breakfast wrap. Just microwave a scrambled egg for 45 seconds, add some cheese, and roll up. You could precook some veggies maybe and add some too (I usually heat up some bacon or breakfast sausages to put in there too). It's pretty filling for 250ish calories, and you could add an apple or something.

    I'd suggest overnight oats as a lot of people like them, but they don't fill me up at all for the calories. But you could look into them. Or just cook a big batch of oats you can reheat (I'm lazy and use the instant kind and just add whatever I feel like that day, it doesn't take very long).

    Something I like is some whole grain English muffins with some part skim ricotta and honey. Takes two minutes to make and it's pretty filling (guessing full fat ricotta would be even more filling). Can also add an apple for more fiber.

    Or just reheat last night's leftover.

    To be fair though... I have breakfast around 7am and most days I'm hungry by 10am and can almost never last until noon.

  • Lukyanenko
    Lukyanenko Posts: 65 Member
    edited May 2015
    Today I woke up 10 minutes before I had to run for the bus, so I had 7 minutes to get ready in the bathroom, and 3 minutes to find my shoes (and that does take a frightening amount of time in my tiny apartment) and take my lunch and breakfast out of the fridge. This is new to me. I've been making overnight oats or chiaseeds in a jar with berries, honey, and nuts. I'll see how long I keep doing it, but right now it works for my lazy self.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    I have a peanut butter sandwich on 40 calorie bread almost daily. Very filling to me and great with coffee.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for the suggestions! Overnight oats are good idea, I've seen some recipes for that. I'll have to give it a try. I also like the hard boiled eggs idea, I do really like those!

    kami3006 wrote: »
    I have a peanut butter sandwich on 40 calorie bread almost daily. Very filling to me and great with coffee.

    Hmmm I like this idea, but I never buy bread because it goes bad before I can finish half the loaf. What is this magical 40 calorie but filling bread you use?

  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    LaurenAOK wrote: »
    Thanks for the suggestions! Overnight oats are good idea, I've seen some recipes for that. I'll have to give it a try.
    kami3006 wrote: »
    I have a peanut butter sandwich on 40 calorie bread almost daily. Very filling to me and great with coffee.

    Hmmm I like this idea, but I never buy bread because it goes bad before I can finish half the loaf. What is this magical 40 calorie but filling bread you use?

    I buy Nature's Own honey wheat 40 cal. You can freeze half the loaf at a time. Works fine.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Large flake oats can be microwaved in about 90 seconds or so. Then I mix some psyllium husk (ground) in it, and have it with a banana. Found it worked well for keeping me feeling more full...given I'm starving lately, lol
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lately I've been making a frittata and warming up one piece before work everyday. The one I made last night is soy chorizo and cabbage. Last week I made mushroom and bacon, broccoli and cheese, and cabbage and bacon. It really doesn't matter - they all taste good!
  • rkeswick
    rkeswick Posts: 2 Member
    If you like the egg muffin thing, but don't have lots of time to prepare it, there's a surprisingly useful appliance for you -- it's the Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker! It's $24 on Amazon. I use it and it actually works really well -- only takes 5 minutes (unattended) to prepare your sandwich while you go about doing other morning things!
  • monicarungood
    monicarungood Posts: 41 Member
    My husband has made ahead and frozen breakfast burritos for reheating, and those work pretty well. I also eat a lot of hard boiled eggs, since they're really easy to transport. Like a LOT.
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited May 2015
    Seconding the quiche - it reheats well. You can also boil eggs, which takes about 5-10 mins tops (you can get ready while they're boiling). You could also make them the night before and either eat them cold or re-heat them. Sandwiches are an obvious choice--Pepperidge Farm Very Thin 100% Whole Wheat bread has about 40 calories per slice. Just slather some peanut butter and jam (or whatever you like).

    You can also make scrambled eggs. I prepare whatever I put in it (usually vegetables and turkey ham/turkey bacon) the night before so in the mornings all I have to do is mix the eggs in and cook it. Instant Oatmeal, overnight oats, and yogurt w/ fruit(s) are other options.

    If you have a blender you can prepare most of the ingredients the night before and ready the fruits to be switfly cut up when you get up. My sister often makes smoothies in the morning and it never takes her longer than 5 minutes.

    ETA: I forgot to mention bagel quiche! I used to make them a lot. Simply scrape out the insides of a whole-grain bagel and fill it with an egg+veggie and/or meat mixture and bake it in the oven then re-fridgerate it when it's cooled down. In the morning just wrap it in aluminum foil and pop it in the oven. It takes about 10 mins.
  • Gemzzz12
    Gemzzz12 Posts: 42 Member
    I often put my porridge on a low heat after my morning shower and before I get dressed and ready. It works for me and it tastes the best. :D
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    LaurenAOK wrote: »
    Thanks for the suggestions! Overnight oats are good idea, I've seen some recipes for that. I'll have to give it a try. I also like the hard boiled eggs idea, I do really like those!

    kami3006 wrote: »
    I have a peanut butter sandwich on 40 calorie bread almost daily. Very filling to me and great with coffee.

    Hmmm I like this idea, but I never buy bread because it goes bad before I can finish half the loaf. What is this magical 40 calorie but filling bread you use?

    I have the same problem with bread... good thing my kids eat it.

    I love English muffins though and have no problem eating 6 before they go bad, so it might work too. Or Ezekiel or other frozen bread... I bought some once and just left it in the fridge and it kept for a LONG time. Just had to toast it before using it, but not a problem.
  • therusticgypsigirl
    therusticgypsigirl Posts: 9 Member
    I feel ya! Not a morning person either. I drink a protein shake with fruit. It's so yummy.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Overnight oats are the quickest option I can think of. Just prep it the night before and grab in the morning.
  • mtpage04
    mtpage04 Posts: 41 Member
    I like to prepare a double batch of steel cut oats and portion it out into 1 cup plastic containers. Keep it in the fridge and just pop it in a bowl then microwave to reheat. It is a week worth in 30 minutes of prep and cook. Couple that with a serving of greek yogurt (26 gr of protein) and you have a great, fast breakfast.
  • fieldsey2014
    fieldsey2014 Posts: 11 Member
    Frittata's are great. I like a 'thickie' too. Banana, strawberries, skimmed milk and a handful of oats. Sometimes I swap the strawberries for a small amount of peanut butter. Good whizz in the blender and there you go.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member

    Right now I'm into protein smoothies because I get everything I need and I can prepare them ahead of time. Some spinach, frozen blueberries, a banana, scoop of protein powder and some milk and I'm done.
  • spanglish
    spanglish Posts: 14 Member
    Overnight oats are a great time saver in the morning. If it doesn't seem filling enough, add lots of extra fruit- that's what made it work for me.
  • JamesKeuning
    JamesKeuning Posts: 2 Member
    Vegetables in a blender with water and ice.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    I rinse black beans, simmer them in garlic, onion and no salt seasoning, as they cook I add coconut water to them ( more potassium). When they are done I portion them out into small mason jars with a hard boiled egg. I make a week of them at a time. In the morning I grab the jar, take it to work. While the beans are re heating in the microwave I peel the egg and add it to the jar. The fiber, protein and potassium really help and last until lunch.

  • alyssaby
    alyssaby Posts: 5 Member
    Whole grain toast with natural chunky peanut butter and banana pieces sliced on top!
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    For filling as in volume.

    Take 40g oats and 500ml of water microwave for about 5 mins (you'll have a slushy mess but don't panic!) refrigerate over night.

    Reheat your oats in morning for two mins with an extra bit of water and you'll have about three cups of hot (now normal textured) oats for the calorific value of a normal serving which is usually less than a cup (158 I used Quakers rolled original)

    I usually add a scoop or scoop and a half of vanilla protein powder before reheating and mix in well. Sometimes throw in blueberries or summer fruits, on occasion mini Marshmellows or chocolate chips. But you could add vanilla essence or sugar free coffee syrup.
  • Solangelle
    Solangelle Posts: 5 Member
    I like to have 3/4c Greek yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, 1T unsweetened cocoa powder, and 1t chia seeds, sweetened with a bit of stevia. It's a good option if you're looking for something high protein. The base recipe is 240 cal. I usually add berries too. Very easy to beef it up or carb it up by playing with the ingredient measures or with some fruit, milk of your choice, or even oats to make overnight fridge oats.
  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    Toaster oven will solve the mushy egg sandwich. My wife makes 2 dozen and freezes them. When I want one I put it from the freezer to the fridge over night. Wake up, put in microwave for 30 sec then pop into the toaster oven (bake 350 ) We are talking like 5 min total cook time in the oven. It just dries and crispy the muffin. Get ready to leave and when you grab the keys you grab the sandwich. Awesome!