
Hello My names Maynard. starting to diet (about noon today haha) and i was looking for an app to track my calories. found the myfitnesspal app and the barcode scanning amazed me! i cant stop scanning my food and seeing how bad i eat!

no but really im pretty enthusiastic about starting this weight loss, just hoping the enthusiasm sticks!

reasons i want to loose weight:

Feel good (or so i heard :D)
Look good for my Wifey
Ride my bike further and faster
and i want to be in ok shape so my skin can feel sun for the first time.



  • manda511
    manda511 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! I absolutely LOVE the app and the scanner as well. When I first got it I would scan everything. I think I started annoying people. This site rocks! Hope you enjoy it and good luck!
  • MaynardMonster
    MaynardMonster Posts: 18 Member
    thanks! yeah i got even more excited when i saw there was a forum! yesssss