Any started today, 1st June?



  • bangbangchoochootrain
    bangbangchoochootrain Posts: 118 Member
    I'm restarting today. I managed to shave off thirty pounds in 6 months, but most of that was over the summer. The school year bit me in the butt and I gained ten back. Here's hoping I can lose that and work my way down forty more pounds.
  • fiorelicious89
    fiorelicious89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Fiorella I live in Richmond VA and I started yesterday and so far I'm loving it... I used to weight 198 lbs and I'm down to 168lbs my goal is to bet at 155 lbs! I Wish I could have a workout partner... It's kind of boring to workout by yourself... Good luck everyday keep it up and control your portions ;);)