I have Ulcerative Colitis and struggle with eating healthy

Hi I'm Donna,
I'm back. I told myself today enough is enough its time to focus and get started for good this time.
I struggle with emotional eating, no motivation to exercise and I love carbs.
I suffer with Ulcerative Colitis so its tough at time to make healthy chooses because a lot of veggies and fruits bother my colon. Does anyone have CHROHNS or ULCERATIVE COLITIS who are on here and if they have figured out a way to eat healthy and not suffer.
Hope to make some MFP friends for support. :-)


  • MimiMayRR
    MimiMayRR Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Donna,

    I have Crohn's. I'm following a low FODMAPs diet. Try checking it out. It points you towards specific fruits and veggies that are less likely to be a problem, also gluten-free grains (rice, oats, quinoa), low-lactose dairy, etc. The diet alone won't help you lose weight (you can still have gluten-free pizza! and gluten-free cake!) but I'm trying it in combination with calorie counting/portion control and seem to be having pretty good results (both with weight loss and how I feel). I walk about 20-30 minutes every day, and I occasionally go for a jog or to yoga if I'm feeling really well, but I think you can make a lot of progress without exercise or with just nice leisurely walks if that is all you are up for.

    When I'm having a bad day I might avoid fruits and veggies and just have rice and chicken, or soft-cooked oatmeal, or scrambled eggs. I think that's ok if it makes your gut happy, as long as you watch your portions and try to eat more nutrient-dense fruits and veggies when you are able.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm still working on navigating weight loss with IBD, too!
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    My father in law has ridiculously awful diverticulitis and one thing that really helps him (besides probiotics, eating only very fresh fruit & veg, and FODMAP diet) is colloidal silver. He makes his own, but he uses it to was fruits and veggies and help get rid of bacteria that causes painful inflammation. Because colloidal silver is rather unproven in the science world you may want to go for a different vegetable wash, but a similar treatment could help you tolerate some veggies better. He also eats 90% of his fruit and veggies lightly steamed or roasted. That being said, no matter how healthy something is, he avoids it if it makes him sick - corn, sesame seeds, leagues, broccoli (on bad days), etc.

    Seeing him do this for the last 5 years and gradually have more and more normal days I would advise similar diet for you- What food doesn't make you sick? Eat it in healthy portions. Try washing your fruits and vegetables first and eat mainly cooked ones. And perhaps look into the FODMAP diet. Although it seems a pain it's done wonders for him (And for me too because my gut isn't the healthiest either).

    While I don't have anything similar to UC, I do follow the FODMAP diet myself (with the goal of losing 46 kgs total, 11 of which is already gone) and my diary is open if you want to have a look.
  • mimaaaam
    mimaaaam Posts: 2 Member
    hi, donna :)

    i suffer from ulcerative colitis too and am troubling with my weight, but mostly because i have no track of what i eat. i dont usually have problems with eating vegetables and fruit, i am mostly bothered by fat food so i try to avoid it but the fact that its so damn delicious is making it hard. :/
    feel free to add me as a friend since we have similar problems we could help eachpther and stuff:)
  • Donnah781
    Donnah781 Posts: 37 Member
    :) Thank you so much for responding so quickly . I added you Mima and you as well MimiMay. I need the support especially with a disease on top of trying to lose weight its been a struggle off and on for a least 15 yrs. I'm 43 and its harder to lose weight as you get older.
    Have had UC since I was diagnosed at the age of 15. Have been on steroids and all sorts of meds that you gain weight on.
    So its discouraging at times. But I told myself today .. I will look to the future and even try Weight Watchers to help me start my new journey :-)
    I already cut out fast food all together . That was a big step for me. I ate mcdonalds once a week at least and dunkin donuts everyday. I'm down to one coffee a week. I'm very proud of myself its not showing in any weight loss yet but i'm determined to do this. :)
  • SarahKat81
    SarahKat81 Posts: 35 Member
    I have UC diagnosed one year ago this summer. I gained 10 pounds on steroids that I can't seem to get rid of, and still have issues...so I feel your pain!! I haven't been on MFP in a long while, but I'm hoping it will help me figure out what my "triggers" are, but I'm like you- enough is enough! I was hoping to find a group in MFP for UC. Good luck to you! -Sarah
  • Donnah781
    Donnah781 Posts: 37 Member
    Since I started eating better now i'm constipated. Did any of you suffer like this with having UC then eating healthier? Its discouraging :-( I lost a pound now i'm so sick with constipation. I know to drink more water
    and i am. I'm just sad because I want to do this and changing my diet is causing this issue i dont know how to fix it. : :(
    Sara--- I belong to a site called HEALINGWELL.COM its free to sign up been on it for over 10 yrs. Has all sorts of topics of health issues. UC is one of the forums its wonderful.
  • back2hlthy
    back2hlthy Posts: 3 Member
    I have UC and have struggled with my weight both when it's active and in remission. Now I'm post-partum and have lots to lose!