

  • sherri31
    sherri31 Posts: 80
    I also work out extra hard at the gym the day i want to drink my face off. and i may eat a little less calories during the day if i know im going to want a snacky. :drinker:
  • sherri31
    sherri31 Posts: 80
    Maybe I can work the calories off afterwords if I am lucky. hahaha that was ment as a joke!!!

    Love it.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Alcohol does more to your body than just put calories in it. Yes the study contains only 8 people but inside our bodies all handle it the same way. And I like my Sailor Jerry on occasion.

    OH SHIZNIT!! Not good news but useful news nonetheless.

    From the Health Hound

    As part of my commitment to staying current on the research,
    I have sniffed out some research on alcohol consumption that
    may surprise you.

    A popular myth is that you can drink clear alcohol and as
    long as you count the calories in the alcohol (7 calories
    per gram) you will be fine. Because carbohydrates and
    protein contain 4 calories per gram, and fat contains 9
    calories per gram – the reasoning is that 7 calories in
    alcohol are simply calories and nothing more.

    Well, according to research carried in the American Journal
    of Clinical Nutrition, alcohol puts the brakes on fat
    metabolism (your body’s ability to burn fat as energy) in
    more ways than one. In the study, eight people were given
    two vodka drinks separated by 30 minutes.

    Fat metabolism was checked both before and after each drink.
    It turns out that even hours after drinking both drinks, fat
    metabolism dropped by an incredible 73%. What is happening?

    When you drink alcohol, your liver converts it into a
    substance called acetate. (The acetate levels in the
    subject’s bodies were 2.5 times higher than normal). And it
    is the acetates in your body that make losing blubber almost

    Your body prefers burning acetate to all other sources of
    fuel (fat being one of them), and basically shuts down its
    normal process of burning off any other source of energy.

    In other research, alcohol has been shown to increase
    appetite. When you combine alcohol with meals, studies have
    shown you tend to eat more. And since the alcohol is going
    to serve as your body’s primary source of fuel, all the
    calories go directly to your waistline.

    And finally, alcohol increases your cortisol levels and
    decreases your testosterone levels for about 24 hours after
    you imbibe. And this definitely is not good for trimming
    down or adding muscle!

    So, if you think an alcohol calorie is just a calorie –
    think again!
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