
I really have a habit eating food. I need to eat "healthy" but sometimes "healthy" is thrown around cereals or boxes... So what is really healthy? Sorry I sound dumb but I want to improve to be fit and healthy. O.o so many questions I want to ask...


  • ObeyDisKitty
    ObeyDisKitty Posts: 4 Member
    *junk food. Gosh missed aword
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    shop the outside of the grocery store. make your own if you are a cooker or a baker. go to farmers markets and get local produce (and walk while you are at it).

    also consider the calories in vs calories out. you can have some junk food if you want and still eat at a deficit. I just remind myself I would frequently like to eat more fruit than a twinkie. truthfully, sometimes the twinkie wins and I just work out harder to fit it into my calorie goals.