1st 5K in 29:29 & Now Addicted

skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
So I ran my first 5K yesterday. Well my first race EVER. I just started "running" 4 weeks ago and wasn't very strick with it. Anyways I finished in 29:29. I was SHOCKED!!! My goal was to hopefully run the whole thing and not stop and get done in at least 45 minutes. Wow did I blow myself away. I finished 16th out of 63 in my division. That is INSANE!!!! I finished 142nd out of 1100 which isn't too bad either. Anyways I am still on such a high and can't wait for another one but man my hips HURT. I'm plunging right in and have signed up for a half marathon in 4 months. EECK! I am still shocked that in 4 months I have lost 43lbs and went from being depressed and not motivated to so happy!!! Happy Monday MFP peeps!


  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    bravo, bravo and bravo!!!
    I'm very happy, now I need to run one too. lol
    you did great ask you hubby for a massage you deserve it
    Great progress, you are my hero!
  • coderedcoderedjkjk
    GREAT JOB!!!! I'm looking forward to signing up for some 5k's as well!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    THAT IS AMAZING!!! Make sure you rest up, though. :laugh: Best wishes with your next race!
  • Runnergirl0430
    Girl, you just wait! The longer distance races are even more addictive! Good luck to you!! :0)
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    I am signed up for my first 5K which is also my first race ever on June 12th. I am so excited and cannot wait and I have the same goal to finish under 45 minutes. You did awesome and keep it up with the great transformation into a new and happier you :)
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Great job - I hope to be that fast someday! :flowerforyou:
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Congrats! Thanks for sharing your story!
  • ksharon22
    ksharon22 Posts: 111
    Way to go! I just did my first 5k a couple of weeks ago and am hooked as well...haven't signed up for longer distance races yet but plan to someday after I get some more 5k's under my belt.
  • 5kforme
    5kforme Posts: 23
    Way to go! It was my desire to be able to run a 5k that lead me to this website. I'm running my first one on 6/4 and my goal was the same as yours - I would have been thrilled to finish in 45 minutes. Your success has motivated me to reconsider - maybe I can do it in under 40. Thanks for sharing your amazing success, and good luck with your half marathon training!
  • OttawaJeannie
    OttawaJeannie Posts: 206
    Congrats! Stories like yours are very inspiring to me.

    I have just started *walking* 5k-s. On June 8, I am going to start with a local running club and at the end of the 11 week program (I think it's 11 weeks) I should be able to run 3k without stopping. I'll believe it when I see it. LOL.

    In June 2012, I'm going to meet three friends in Seattle and we're going to run our first 5k together :)

    I'm actually hoping to be able to easily run a 10k by then...
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm so impressed!! Congrats! Races are my favorite :) I'm also doing a half in Sept, good luck!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Way to GO!!!!

  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Wow, that is very impressive indeed. With all these folks talking about those 1/2 marathons (never officially ran one myself, although have done the 10 K) I might have to sign up for one also. Way to inspire us.
  • maninprogress
    maninprogress Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome! Congrats!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Fantastic, well done!
  • Awesomom
    Awesomom Posts: 9
    WTG g/f!!!!!!! This past weekend I just walked my first 5K. It was the GREAT STRIDES walk to fight Cystic Fibrosis. My step-daughter lost her battle with CF in December & I did the walk to honor her. It was the first walk that I have EVER done!!! I've only been "walking" for a few months and like you, am totally hooked!!! Maybe someday I'll start running!!! lol
    Keep it going girl, we are all on this journey together. God is good & HE will get us to the destination!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
  • Friska_
    Friska_ Posts: 11 Member
    You are awesome, you will be running a marathon before you know it! :happy:
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    Good for you! Congrats!!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    That is sick timing for a first 5K.....WOW WOW WOW....Great job!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    PS....I think you need to play the lotto with 29 as a number now!
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