I don't want to be a FAT Dad

maninprogress Posts: 6 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new. I'm Jon. 30 years old with two young kids. I want to lose weight (fat) to get healthier, have more energy and look better.

I'm currently 236 pounds and basically have been around 230 or so for the past 6 or 7 years. When they look back, most people say they were in the best shape of their lives when in their 20's. I'm planning on saying I was in my best shape in my 30's. Now its time to do the work to make that happen. I want to get to 200 (or maybe touch 199 for a day!) to have more energy, be healthier and look better.

Up until a year ago or so I hadn't really accepted things. I played sports in high school and still thought of myself as athletic, just with a spare time. That's not the case. I get winded walking up two flights of stairs. I'm weak too, physically. I used to have a strong grip and good overall muscle strength, but sitting at a desk all day with no exercise for several years will take that from you. So anyhow, my goal here is to lose fat, gain energy, and just get my body into a healthy shape overall.

I'm also a bit of a workaholic. That's been my excuse the past few years. I run my own business so my work is never done. I've also put work as a higher priority than my health. Its hard not to, b/c work has hard deadlines but your health doesn't work that way. In any event, I still work too much and that is another problem but for the time being I'm going to just squeeze 1 hour a day away from work and put that into exercise.

I'm going to aim for 30 minutes in the AM and 30 minutes in the PM too for exercise. I'm hoping that will help boost my metabolism. I'm not a big fan of doing cardio. I'll do that for a while to drop some initial pounds but ideally want I want to do is build strength, build muscle and boost my metabolism and get into a more active lifestyle in general so that I don't need to do as much cardio specifically as exercise.


  • getting on this site is a fab way to start. good luck!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Welcome Jon I was in your boat not to long ago. everything except running and owning my own business. I was 247 Jan 1st and decided that enough was enough. 1 year previous I had a bet with one of my co workers to see who could lose the most weight in 6 months. well i won I got down to 212 but once that was over i went back to eating what i have before and put it all back on plus a little more. i have been doing MFP since about November of last year. I have been losing about 2lbs a week depending on my workouts. i walk on the treadmill or outside. I walk 30 min in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening arter work. I wish you nothing but the best for your journey. being a self proclaimed workaholic you should kill this. it sounds like your head is in the right place.
  • sdoherty1000
    sdoherty1000 Posts: 146 Member
    HI Jon and welcome. I started out in January @ 250lbs and not far off 200lb mark so i will say this to you- If i can do it....SO CAN YOU!!!!

    I too didnt want my kids to be embarassed of me when we were seen out together but my main motiation was the fact i couldnt stand how i looked in the mirror, i was constantly paranoid about my weight and it started to affect my marriage due to me being so depressed. Anyway, start your journey and see the weight come off- I have never been happier

    good luck
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck !!!!

    You will defintely find the tools, support and motivation you need to reach your goals. My only advice is that weight-loss takes time and the healthier way to loose weight is not by a short-term diet, but a change in your overall eating habits and fitness program. My motto has been: "It has taken me almost 40 years to put this weight on, it's going to take some time to get rid of it". FYI - I'm down 34 pounds in 3 months.

    If you need some extra support/motivation, please feel free to send a friend request . . .

    Good Luck !!!!

  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome to the site :bigsmile:
  • FierceFox81
    FierceFox81 Posts: 89
    Best of luck!

    A great way to fit in some extra exercises during the day is small workouts at your desk. You can do a lot! Dips, lunges, stretching, push ups....all kinda looks funny to others passing your office...but like people where I work, they get use to it. And it rubs off on a few! Also I switched my desk chair with a stability ball. Gives my core a little workout while I work, and I've also found my posture improving!
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    Glad your here! good place to get the support, that's why we're all here! there are days when i just don't feel like working out or like you don't have the time! MFP shows you how many calories to eat on those days with no workouts and still lose weight! slow and steady! good luck! and like you i don't want to be a fat mom!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    It's been great having this site to help reach my goal. You learn a lot and there is tons of support. I am with you in that I sometimes still think I am the same as I was before when I was active, dancing etc.

    If you need support or motivation, feel free to add me.
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