Is this weight gain normal in the beginning?

MrsHoward1012 Posts: 22
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Good Morning MFP Fam! First i would like to that everyone for being so supportive an d being such an inspiration!

Here is my issue:

I started at 266.1 lbs on Monday. By Friday I was 261.8.GM MFP! I just woke up and decided to spot check weight. This morning I am 266.2!!! I have been doing everything that I have listed in my diaries (food and exercise), I have been increasing my water. Am I doing something wrong? Is that normal? Please Help!!


  • 22silvia
    22silvia Posts: 8 Member
    It has happen to me, that is why you should only weight once a week and at the same time
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    its normal for your weight to fluctuate. Last Friday I weighed in at 167.2, this morning I'm 168.8.

    When I get my period I'll easily gain 5 lbs.

    Try not to worship the scale too much, it's a dangerous game.
  • I am throwing the scale out of the window!
  • zebraroonie
    zebraroonie Posts: 13
    Weight can fluctuate quite a bit. If you're keeping your calories where they should be and working out, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. But I would weigh just a tad less often...maybe once a week or once every two weeks? don't get discouraged! I'm sure you're on the right track!
  • PhatChic1186
    PhatChic1186 Posts: 173
    I think Im going to start weighing in only once a week or once every 2 weeks like you suggested, because when I see the scale go up I get discouraged.
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    My weight goes up and down so much I've gotten to the point where I just weigh about once a month. I weight the week after my period ends and that's it. I too get so focused on the scale that I get frusturated and disappointed in myself. : (
  • I just texted my husband and told him to only give me the scale every other Friday. He is going to hide it from me lol
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    I find daily weighing for me is better but I only use one day as the "true day" - for me Fridays.

    Be sure to do the measurements - that's where I have seen a huge difference, even when I haven't lost a pound.
  • kieramint
    kieramint Posts: 4
    Smart Idea.
    Me and my family are dieting together, there are 4 of us doing it. We all meet up on a Sunday weigh in and have a family roast to celebrate. Everyone saves their calories that day and it is nice. We also brought a little trophy, who ever looses the most weight that week gets the trophy.

    Wishing you luck and weighing in at sceduled times garentees same conditions x
  • Nikki2Fit
    Nikki2Fit Posts: 30 Member
    It probably has to do with the sodium. I cant tell from your diary how much your ingesting but since your on the go its probably more than you need. Processed and fast foods tend to have alot of sodium which requires you to increase your water intake in order to flush it out. Its basically salt and our bodies retain it. If i eat out, even if its a low cal meal the sodium is through the roof so instead of my normal 12/13 glasses of water I have 16/17.

    As far as the scale. I weigh myself each morning @ the same time right after using the bathroom, i know tmi lol. This way im on e and have very little clothing on. I track this to see if I have heavier days and I do. SUNDAY! Its the sodium from my weekend food choices.
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