Getting Started... Again

avr5097 Posts: 12 Member
So this time last year I was down to 149 lbs and quite happy with myself. In the past year I have steadily been gaining weight (all while in denial). I stopped weighing myself at a point because it didn't motivate me, just upset me. Well after seeing my very big stomach in a swimsuit I decided to step back on the scale and take a some body pictures. Oy Vey! I am up to 170 lbs and comparing last June's selfie to this June's selfie is shocking.

So, I am starting over again. Today is Day 1. Going to get back on track, making counting my calories a habit and put cardio back into my life. It won't be easy. And sometimes I dislike counting calories but I want to do this. I can't believe how big I allowed myself to get.
My exercise goal for the first 30 days is mainly cardio. I used to be able to run a 5K in 30 minutes, now I get winded after half a mile. So I'm going to try to get that back! After I achieve that small goal I'll focus on another. And then another. Hopefully by mid-September I'll be down, fingers crossed, about 15 pounds. That's a healthy one pound per week so I do think it is realistic.

My biggest downfall are the weekend and my intense lack of self control. Right now I'm going to focus on eating home cooked meals (don't order out!) and increasing my weekend workouts. Then if I do slip up one or two weekend days it won't be the end of the world; you can eat one M&M if you run a mile right?!

Overall my goal is to drop 20 pounds, get to 150 and re-evaluate how I feel then. Any one want to add me feel free! Support is key here and I know that sometimes we all need that random stranger to say "HEY! PUT THE COOKIE DOWN!".

Good Luck to All!!


  • mikaila96
    mikaila96 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in almost the exact same boat, right down to the numbers. Cardio is hard for me anyway because of injuries and asthma, so my plan is to walk fast and incorporate weight training and swimming! Day one for me too! Good luck!
  • michellie89
    michellie89 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi there! I'm right there with you. Trying to get back on track! I've been off the wagon for about 2 months and I'm finding that reaching out in the MFP community it's motivating me to record my calories more. I too struggle with the weekends. So I know how you feel. I'm hoping to start moving more especially on the weekends. I also just started C25K today so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I'm currently at 250 and I'm looking to get down to 150. Feel free to add me... I'd love to encourage each other! Good luck everyone!
  • heathersmith71268
    heathersmith71268 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also starting today, I have let myself get up to 210 in the past year and a half I need to get back to 160! Definitely need some friends for motivation!!!!
  • me4meuc
    me4meuc Posts: 1 Member
    Ive been doing this yo yo diet. I do shake, oatmeal, no carbs and no portion control everything else. Exercise has been limited. Im making a lot of effort to increase activity. Everyday im trying to step out of my boundaries and get closer to my goals
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    I'm with you too add me..
    me4meuc wrote: »
    Ive been doing this yo yo diet. I do shake, oatmeal, no carbs and no portion control everything else. Exercise has been limited. Im making a lot of effort to increase activity. Everyday im trying to step out of my boundaries and get closer to my goals

  • 2012dancingqueen
    2012dancingqueen Posts: 58 Member
    I'm right with everyone else. The winter and last summer of unemployment put me in a depression. And in my life, depression = binge. I'm 30lbs overweight and I really need to work on getting to a healthy weight. I haven't been on mfp in years but I'm hoping to start back up again and would love some accountability. I'd love to be your cheer leader too. Let's do this together. My goal is to lose the excess weight by end of the year. Pls add me if you're up for cheering each other on! I know that's always helped me in the past.

    My greatest challenge has always been to give up when I don't see quick results. That's so frustrating because in my mind I know it has to start w smaller steps. I've been eating at over 2000 calories a day and I need to cut it down to 1430. Last night was my first night recording my intake and even though I tried hard, I still ate at almost 2000 calories but was still hungry. Any tips on how to cut the calories without feeling hungry all the time would be so great.
  • HufflepuffAngie
    HufflepuffAngie Posts: 4 Member
    Same here!!!!! Lets hope this summer is a good starter for us!
  • avr5097
    avr5097 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies! It's so crazy how many of us are out there facing the exact same things... I know sometime I feel like the only one.
    At least we have made the first step, admit you need to change and find a way to do it!
  • mrswpg
    mrswpg Posts: 16 Member
    Same boat... Starting over too! You can add me
  • maril101
    maril101 Posts: 12 Member
    I only want to add one note to something that I am working on with regard to the yo yo syndrome. When I catch myself thinking "omigod, what have I done? I've gained back X pounds! I'm so fat and awful." I want to begin a cycle of positive thinking and instead of thinking about I'm fat and awful, remembering my own image in the mirror when I was where I really like to be and thinking how great I look at that moment (with it's attending feeling of happiness) and thinking to myself," I CAN look great."

    Even when the image in the mirror surprises me, pulling up the image of how I want to look, whether I've been there or not, I believe will help rewire my brain to think in positives which I believe will help to create the conditions that will aid me instead of shaming me. Yes, I know the feelings of deep shame. Yet, that in itself which is so hard to combat, can be consciously changed with one little good, positive thought every time shame and despair creep in.

    I know it's a battle . . . I'm far from perfect. I hope this doesn't sound out of touch with reality to you. I think changing how we think of ourselves from negative to positive will help.