
jojohove Posts: 9
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I'm new. I keep reading about nutrition (bad thing to do I know!!) and I'm really confused about eating more protein to keep full and less carbs. My problem is I'm still hungry either way! Should I just go back to eating sensibly and counting calories? Any advice on eating properly to stay full really helpful


  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    If you open up your diary then we could give you advice on what you are actually eating. I can't see why reading about nutrition is a bad thing though, knowledge and understanding are important.

    Protein should keep you fuller longer, aim for 5 portions of veg a day and 3 fruit.
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    Should I just go back to eating sensibly and counting calories?

    I am confused about this.

    are you NOT eating well or counting calories??

    follow the MFP guidelines and don't stress over it so much.
    just do what it says.

    it's THAT easy. I promise.
  • jojohove
    jojohove Posts: 9
    Thanks. I think I'm eating all my cals and excercise cals but concentrating on more protein and less carbs e.g. today

    b - porridge, apple & mixed seeds
    l - mixed bean soup, salad (leaves, low fat dressing, cannellini beans, feta)
    d - no idea yet - maybe tofu/quorn

    I'm veggie but eat fish!
    I'm trying to think of what will keep me fuller for longer and avoid hitting the snacks - at least so far I reached for the banana last night. Don't think my week before TOTM helps - I just feel hungrier!
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    I eat a lot of snacks but try to keep in my calorie range - I find the snacks keep me from every feeling hungry. And of course, I eat healthy snacks like real plain yogurt mixed with berries, local honey and vanilla. And a ww muffin with peanut butter and banana. My daily snacks actually total more than most of my meals. Works for me. Just do what works for you - I don't think it's good to go to bed hungry for example (then I don't sleep!).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Try to make your food diary public because it's hard to say. If you always feel hungry, you aren't eating enough. It's your bodies way of saying feed me. I actually increased my calories a lot over the past few weeks and have lost weight. Also, carbs are not bad... well not all carbs. Complex carbs (such as your whole grain/whole wheat) burn slower... aka good for your body. They are a good source of energy. Simple carbs (processed and white carbs) burn quickly and easily turn to fat if over consumed. If you wouldn't mind giving me some information, I can calculate what you should eat, I need height, weight and age. If you have body fat, then I can be more accurate. If you don't want it publically displayed, you can send me a private message or use this link:

    Calculating your BMR is integral to your success. If you don't know how many calories you burn at rest, how do you know you are eating enough. The only downside to this tool is it isn't designed for those with a leaner physique. I found this calculator was too low by about 300 calories for me.
  • jojohove
    jojohove Posts: 9
    Thanks, I'm doing the snacking thing like joaniegray my snacks can be about 100-150 and are things like seeds/nuts, fruit etc. Maybe it's just the TOTM!!
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