I got to lose 90lbs, Thinking About it is like a Moutain



  • INgrl
    INgrl Posts: 2 Member
    Logging in today to begin on my 80 pound mountain and wow.....you guys are really inspirational.
  • AriaColl
    AriaColl Posts: 40 Member
    I also have to lose 90 lbs, I started 20th april. I'm down 9 lbs can't see a difference right now except on the scale but I feel much more motivated than ever and some clothes fit a little better. I only think about the next pound not the whole mountain ;)
  • RebeccaD22
    RebeccaD22 Posts: 202 Member
    Time goes by so fast. If you stick with it and don't think about the number, you will be down 90 before you know it! Never give up!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    fatmanlove wrote: »
    I have to lose 200lb because I am a mountain. I don't think about it the big number, I think about the small numbers that add up. 5lbs, 10lbs, 20lbs. Then I make small goals - 400lbs, 375lbs, 350lbs... All this while I'm dealing with a Thyroid that seems to only be working at 50% of what it should be so I'm stuck dealing with 1,600 calories. Is it a *kitten*? Yes. Am I going to do it? Yes. I have no choice anymore.

    I've lost 100lbs on my own before I reset my counter. I've done this was a torn meniscus, a surgical hernia in my gut, tendinitis in my upper shoulder, and dealing with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. If I can march into a gym so can you.

    You're good, just keep pounding away and watch your calories.

    (round of applause) Good for you for being so determined! Good luck to you!

    OP, read the success stories threads. Those are always inspiring, particularly when you feel like giving up. Inevitably posters ask, "How did you do it?". Read the responses. There are common answers that are imperative and apply to all of us, but there are also little tips that you can glean along the way.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    How to climb a mountain:

    "I visualized one step at a time. Climbing
    a mountain is one step at a time. You
    definitely want to be focused on summiting,
    but you really need to focus on
    the day to day and that is the key to being
    successful. Performing well and do-
    ing the right thing each day to prepare
    yourself mentally and physically for the
    climb gets you to the summit. You can’t
    focus only on the summit. It is kind of
    like the forest metaphor and the trees.
    You have to look at what is in front of
    you. You have to look at the pine needles
    before you look at the tree, before you
    look at the whole forest. I have seen
    climbers who are so focused on the
    summit that they can’t focus on doing a
    good job and getting through the ice fall
    safely. You have to be strong, healthy,
    and hydrated and focus on eating and
    sleeping and resting enough." (Climber 8)

    I've lost ninety pounds, with a lot of help. It's taken two years and counting to get here.
  • darrenfinnegan
    darrenfinnegan Posts: 1 Member
    Little goals = big achievements i only think about the 1kg I'm working on this week, - Good Luck
  • quintinmasonjr24
    quintinmasonjr24 Posts: 45 Member
    Dude I currently weigh 298 lbs. 2 and a half years ago I weighed 198 and I was fit and active. I'm not looking at it as a mountain. I'm just trying to make smarter choices. I know things will get easier as I will begin to gradually lose the weight. The more weight I lose the better I will feel and the more active I will become. Time literally fly by.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    I've got 60 lbs to go, and i had 71. I totally know how you feel. it took me forever to even get started again.
    here's what I do:
    1) I have an app that links to my wireless scale (called tactio health - wireless scale is fitbit but it works with withings too. Myfitnesspal automatically syncs. I put a post it note on the window of the scale. I step on the scale first thing in the morning. I try not to look at it. Somedays i do, and it's up instead of down or i remain flat and i think...i'm never going to get there. But then i open the app. There is a view where you can look overtime, at how much you have lost, and it actually starts to look like you are descending a mountain. The further out you look, the steeper the loss. It really helps put things into perspective. So, MFP sometimes says i lost, but i really just lost the lb i gained the other day (luckily MFP doesnt post that). Eventually, i sort of lose track of what was gained or lost, but then i feel gratified when i look at the app. It also annoyingly, has red dots for obese. My goal, for now, is to get to "overweight" which is a yellow dot. I made it down to green once.....but that's not my goal. I just want to get to yellow.
    2) I reward myself at every 10 lbs lost with something non food related. A massage, or a new fitness watch, or some new clothes, or a babysitter and a movie. This time, i bought a roomba. being that i'm on the floor most days doing pilates, i can't stand staring at the balls of dog hair.
    3) I look on MFP and i don't feel all alone.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Stacivogue wrote: »
    I've got 60 lbs to go, and i had 71. I totally know how you feel. it took me forever to even get started again.
    here's what I do:
    1) I have an app that links to my wireless scale (called tactio health - wireless scale is fitbit but it works with withings too. Myfitnesspal automatically syncs. I put a post it note on the window of the scale. I step on the scale first thing in the morning. I try not to look at it. Somedays i do, and it's up instead of down or i remain flat and i think...i'm never going to get there. But then i open the app. There is a view where you can look overtime, at how much you have lost, and it actually starts to look like you are descending a mountain. The further out you look, the steeper the loss. It really helps put things into perspective. So, MFP sometimes says i lost, but i really just lost the lb i gained the other day (luckily MFP doesnt post that). Eventually, i sort of lose track of what was gained or lost, but then i feel gratified when i look at the app. It also annoyingly, has red dots for obese. My goal, for now, is to get to "overweight" which is a yellow dot. I made it down to green once.....but that's not my goal. I just want to get to yellow.
    2) I reward myself at every 10 lbs lost with something non food related. A massage, or a new fitness watch, or some new clothes, or a babysitter and a movie. This time, i bought a roomba. being that i'm on the floor most days doing pilates, i can't stand staring at the balls of dog hair.
    3) I look on MFP and i don't feel all alone.

    Hahaha! I love this! That is a great reward.
  • BlueBaron37
    BlueBaron37 Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you peeps for the positive advice :)
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    Reward systemmmmm! :love: Make something like mine and plan to reward yourself with things you really want to do/have/buy. Stay away from food rewards, though. I like to schedule in activities, since I am always busy. The most amazing reward to me is to take time off studying/working to do the things I love.

    My reward system for LBS lost:
    25(182): New backpack
    30(177): Bluetooth Ear Phones
    35(172): Date Weekend :)
    40(167): New Bathing Suit & River Rafting
    45(162): Kayaking & Rock Climbing
    50(157): Ropes Course
    55(153) GOAL: New, Glorious Wardrobe
  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    I made a checklist on my google calendar tasks for each pound I was losing.
    -in every 10 is a countdown to my goal.
    -BMI cut offs. Obese II, Obese I, Overweight High, Middle, Normal high.
    -major milestones. 1/4 way, 1/2 way, 3/4 way.
    -BMR projects, so I remember to readjust my calories and lbs. For example, 45 lbs in, I've hit the point where more than 1.3 lbs a week will put me below 1200 calories, which isn't ideal, so I needed to start considering exercise options.
    -health facts related to the BMIs and weight loss.
    After I have reached that exact weight, I can click the check box. It doesn't matter if it goes up the next day. They are only clicked when they go down, but if I go 5 lbs over, I have to unclick.

    When I'm down, I look at my reports. I created check ins for my measurements, which tell a story louder than my weight. Also, evey pound I use, I check ilostwhat.com. It amuses me, but also helps put things into perspective.
  • BlueBaron37
    BlueBaron37 Posts: 107 Member
    las07s wrote: »
    Reward systemmmmm! :love: Make something like mine and plan to reward yourself with things you really want to do/have/buy. Stay away from food rewards, though. I like to schedule in activities, since I am always busy. The most amazing reward to me is to take time off studying/working to do the things I love.

    My reward system for LBS lost:
    25(182): New backpack
    30(177): Bluetooth Ear Phones
    35(172): Date Weekend :)
    40(167): New Bathing Suit & River Rafting
    45(162): Kayaking & Rock Climbing
    50(157): Ropes Course
    55(153) GOAL: New, Glorious Wardrobe

    I like your activity goals which reminds me or an unopened email I have, of a Karting Track, I went too a few years ago with some friends. You race round in 70 MPH Go-karts on a 1.2km track. He is a really hard workout, you don't realize till you get off the karts but you ache for days using your upper body to fight the G-forces and wheel to take the fast bends......I think this should be a reward for 10 lbs lost and it's also a workout.

    Thanks for the idea B)

    Fried request sent.