I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly dead



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I, kindly, disagree.... I feel like I need the cleanse. I've seen what a juice fast can do for people and their health... I'm not doing the cleanse just to lose weight.

    Counting macros works for me, and once in done with this, I'll go back to doing that.

    No one *needs* a cleanse. That's nonsense. Unless you've just gotten back from the gym, then you may want to take a shower.

    30 days of juice is not healthy. Will you be getting enough protein? Whatever weight is lost during that time will include a ton of water and lean body mass, which is not healthy or sustainable.
  • heathermclellen956
    heathermclellen956 Posts: 17 Member
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Didn't their spokesperson In the "documentary" gain all the weight back?

    I know that one of the guys in the documentary did, but he admitted to going back to eating junk food and fast food and stopped dieting/ eating healthy.
    Which has never been my lifestyle. I'm a decently healthy person. I go to the gym, I eat good foods, I just have an enormous sweet tooth.

    This isn't about the weight loss for me... This is really about healing my body and feeding it the right stuff.
    Maybe 30 days is too long, but... I'm doing it.

    This is a place for support right?

    if by "support" you mean people will make you feel good for trying dumb, dangerous *kitten*, then no

    people here will support healthy approaches all day long, and will give good advice with that in mind
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Also, "support" does not mean encouraging someone to do something unsustainable and potentially even dangerous to lose weight. Support here means offering facts and helpful information that can be used to lose (or gain or maintain) weight healthily, and to stick to a sustainable plan. You are obviously going to do what you're going to do, but pointing out that a juice fast is completely useless may be helpful to other readers.
  • heathermclellen956
    heathermclellen956 Posts: 17 Member
    How is consuming vegetables and fruits dangerous?
    I have a fiber supplement.
    I have a protein supplement.
    I work out.

    I'm choosing to consume my healthy food in a different way than you all.
  • curlytoes79
    curlytoes79 Posts: 95 Member
    Juicing isn't necessary to lose weight but if it puts you in a good frame of mind to begin a life-long lifestyle change, go for it. Just be aware that if you're only consuming the juice, you're not getting the fiber from the fruit. So you might be taking in calories but not feeling "full." Consume the pulp if you can. You can add veggie pulp to a soup base, for example.
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Great Documentary! I watched it a few years ago and as a result i juice more. I have a super juice at-least 4,5 times a week
  • d8106red
    d8106red Posts: 5 Member
    is the movie worth the watch? I too am here yet again... having gained 50 pounds back in 5 months after having just lost 100, ugh...
  • heathermclellen956
    heathermclellen956 Posts: 17 Member
    If different is stupid, and everyone on MFP is THIS judgmental and unsupportive of others efforts, then I'll just remember to count on my peers and myself for support, instead of all of you internet bad *kitten*.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    How is consuming vegetables and fruits dangerous?
    I have a fiber supplement.
    I have a protein supplement.
    I work out.

    I'm choosing to consume my healthy food in a different way than you all.

    your first post said "juice fast"

    there is nothing healthy about fasting, and fasting is not merely "consuming vegetables and fruits"
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If different is stupid, and everyone on MFP is THIS judgmental and unsupportive of others efforts, then I'll just remember to count on my peers and myself for support, instead of all of you internet bad *kitten*.

    I sense a mean people thread developing...

    good luck to you OP ...
  • heathermclellen956
    heathermclellen956 Posts: 17 Member
    I know it sounds like people are trying to derail your first day. If you are set on supplementing one meal a day, can I recommend a protein shake instead? It will keep you full longer and provide you with enormous benefits of protein. Not sure what you are putting in the juice but it's probably high calorie/high sugar and will just spike your insulin levels (and you will still be hungry)
    I agree with what everyone said about just eat at a modest calorie deficit/hitting macros. I know you will not agree to this since your mind is made up but if I were going to supplement a meal, it would be a protein shake

    What kind of protein?
    My sugar intake for the day is kind of high, but I just started, I've only used an apple and lemon as a sweetener....

    Thanks for your response:)
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    I know people shooting down your idea may seem a little harsh, but in the end, they're just telling you the truth.

    If you really want to do something that makes you feel better about your diet, just cut out "junk". Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay away from fast food, cook all your meals yourself, etc.

    Cleanses aren't going to do anything for you; promise *scouts honor* (I was a girl scout!). They're a waste of time. There's nothing wrong with using a juicer every once in a while, but it's no better than eating whole foods. Hope this helps.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I didn't say different, and I didn't say stupid. I said hinky. The juice is not helpful for sustained weight loss. The movie - and the juice "cleanse" - is hinky.
  • heathermclellen956
    heathermclellen956 Posts: 17 Member
    d8106red wrote: »
    is the movie worth the watch? I too am here yet again... having gained 50 pounds back in 5 months after having just lost 100, ugh...

    The movie is on Netflix I liked it a lot
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    If different is stupid, and everyone on MFP is THIS judgmental and unsupportive of others efforts, then I'll just remember to count on my peers and myself for support, instead of all of you internet bad *kitten*.

    Giving advice is not being judgmental and un-supportive. I highly recommend you stop watching scary documentaries that are just meant to scare you and that filled with psuedo-science and not based on any facts what so ever. Good luck and thanks for calling us bad assess!!!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    d8106red wrote: »
    is the movie worth the watch? I too am here yet again... having gained 50 pounds back in 5 months after having just lost 100, ugh...

    If you enjoy being brainwashed by misinformation and clever marketing, then yeah, it's totally worth the watch.

    If you like losing weight by following a sustainable plan, learning about nutrition and portion control, then start here:

  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,803 MFP Moderator
    I'm not going to tell you not to juice. If you like it, then go for it. But there's no need to consume ONLY juice for a month. Make sure you're getting enough protein and that you eat some pulp, as that's where the fiber is. I have some friends that just recently tried what you plan to do, and it was difficult for them. Because they consumed nothing but juice for a week, they had no energy and headaches. One of them plays a lot of sports and thought he was having a heart attack during a game. The doctor said his blood sugar was out of whack with all the juice and he'd not consumed enough calories to sustain his activity level. I love juice, but I'd never restrict myself to that alone for more than a day and then eat normally again. If you're interested in fasting, consider checking out the 5:2 groups here. I think you'll find more support for this type of fast. Good luck. :)